Tainted Love (means nuthin')

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SRRY ABOUT THE VID. I'm really not a huge slash fan, not against it, but not exactly inton the craz. But it was the only Supernatural video that didn't use the Marilyn Manson crap... No offense to its fans.


I had no memory of how I had gotten back to the motel, but sure enough, I was there. I was lying on the bed that Sam and I had been on, not hours before. I was embarrased beyond belief that I couldn't even fight off a low-grade demon like the one from the library. I had no hope of conquering Shudaloopa, Frankenstein's monster. I was sitting on the bed, legs crossed and straight out in front of me.

I felt my cheeks turn redder than a tomato and I kept looking down at my hands. Then suddenly Dean spoke up in a cold tone that had my eyes darting to him so fast I thought I got whiplash. He was pacing around, hands in hair, when he finally turned to me and said, "Ya STILL think you can take care of yourself? Do you still think that Kas?!?!?!"

I felt the tears well up, but I struggled to keep them in and tried to studder out an answer, "I-I-I..." But my voice was broken from the tears threatening to escape. I grimaced and tried again, "I didn't k-know...     ... t-that he-he was a dem-mon. I th-thought...." I couldn't talk anymore, and I vigourously wiped at my eyes, trying to make the traitor tears go away.

Suddenly all of the boys, even Cas', expressions softened. Then Sam stongly spoke up, "That wasn't a person Kas, and he was strong. I doubt one of us could have fought him off hand-to-hand either." I looked up at Sam, my eyes bleary and managed to choke out, "But then how am I gonna beat Frankenstein's monster if I can't even beat a nameless demon..."

I heard 3 of the 4 males in the room bark out laughter. Cas had remainded silent and in thought, as if contemplating my question. Then he turned and answered me, "I belive you should be trained Kas, more thouroughly in the ways of the 'Hunter'. You seem to have a natural talent for it, but the boys have many years of experience and training on you. I think that they should teach you thier ways."

I looked at Cas quizically before saying, "Okay, thanks there Yoda..."  saw Dean grin and Sam scoff. Liam had gone to get Chickapaypay, and Castiel just quirked his head to the side, mirroring my expression of confusement moments before.

I turned over to Sam and Dean, clapped my hands, and then said, "Sooo.... When's this training gonna start?"

Dean gave me a 'hell-yes-you-are-one-bad-ass-chick-to-acutally-wanna-do-this' look and Sam just looked at me incredulously before saying, "You almost just got raped, haven't even been bandaged yet from that things claws, and you wanna know when you're gonna start raining?" He shook his head, almost in shock and said, "I'm honestly surprised your last name isn't Winchester...."

I gave him a full 10 million watt smile and then I said, "Imma go take a shower. I rank of the oh-so-yummy smell of demon-gots-the-hots." Sam nodded, but then said, "Make it quick, we still need to dress your wounds and make sure you don't go into shock."

I gave Sam another toothy smile before running to my backpacky thing and grabbing my Ipod and a speaker set for it. I turned back to the 3 boys in the room and quirked an eyebrow saying, "Unless you guys wanna hear me sing, I suggest you wait outside or something. I won't be long, but I need some time to unwind...."

The boys nodded, completly understanding, and for that I was grateful.

I ran into the bathroom, forgetting to grab clothes once again and not noticing until later. I plugged in my Ipod, not caring what song played. I knew them all by heart, anyway.

I hurridly turned on the water, stripped off my clothes, then turned the shower portion on. I smiled and sighed in the release the water was giving the knots in my back. I managed to take a look at my sides. I hadn't noticed how bad they were til now, and they acutally were so high up they got a little of my bra. But I didn't care, I just wanted to get clean and sing. I felt myself sway in the shower to the music.

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