Jeepers Creepers/Icey Keeeaam!!!

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Look, I'm really sorry I haven't posted... I was moving. No, I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth. And junk... Well, at least I have a big closet!


I woke up feeling very much sore. I blinked a few times and went to move my muscles, only to find them restrained. I looked at my, thankfully clothes, body and saw my limbs tied to the bed posts in an unfamiliar room. Me being me immediatly thought the worst and let out an earpeircing scream and thrashing against the bindings. As soon as they loosened a fraction of an inch, the door burst open and Sam, Dean, Leo, and an older man were all there.

I stopped thrashing when I saw them, and tried out my scratchy voice, "Can I have an aspirin?"

Then Cas walked into the room holding a bottle of pain medication and a glass of water. He walked over to the small table beside the bed and set them down. Then he took off the bindings on my wrists. I pulled them down, rubbing them slightly and hissing in pain.

I looked up and saw all of the guys, even the older one, were at the end of the bed and looking at me. I cleared my throat and Sam took the initiative to introduce the other guy, "Oh! Kas, this is - " Only to be cut off by the man himself, "I can introduce myself, ya damn idjit. I'm Bobby Singer." He outstretched his hand towards me. I fininshed gulping down the water and a couple of pills and then shook his hand grinning and said, "Pleasure to meetcha, I'm Kas Stone."

Bobby nodded and pulled his hand back. Then I started to untie my legs. When they were done I looked up at the men who had been staring at me since I woke up and I asked, "Anyone care to tell me why my appendages were tied up?"

Dean rather sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Well... It was kinda my idea... You were thrashing a lot when we fixed you up and I was scared you were gonna have another fit and hurt yourself... Didn't wanna have to stitch you up again and all..." He said the last line with an awkward laugh and turned his head away to try and hide his light blush. I grinned and hopped out of bed stretching, "It's okay Dean. In fact, I owe you guys a lot. So thanks. I'm so grateful I won't even asked who dressed me!" I said the last part with a wink at the guys, and with that I literally skipped out of the room.

I coulda swore I heard Bobby mutter, "Now I see why she has you boys wrapped around her little finger!" I sniggered and continued skipping happily down the hallway until I came to the familiar living room I had slept in with Leo, Sam, and Dean. I smiled and sat on the couch. I guess we were at Bobby's house. I sighed and comfortably wriggled myself between to cushions and flicked on the T.V.

I smiled as one of my favorites came on: Jeepers Creepers. It was the first scary movie that I remember being scared of, and it can still scare me to this day. Although the second is just as good, I prefer the first version of almost anything.

I smiled as I saw it was just the begining of it. They were being run off the road by the truck. I watched, clutching a blanket in front of me with wide eyes, rocking forward and back.

The boys came in, chuckling at my expression. I turned and gave them a puppy pout, then went back to watching the movie, but not before sticking my thumb in my mouth.

I felt people sit down around me, but I didn't bother to look up. I was completely engrossed in the movie, it was ending and the Creeper looked into the camera with Darry's eyes. I blinked, surprised how thoroughly this movie could still creep and gross me out. Then the credits came on with Jeepers Creepers, the song, playing.

Jeepers Creepers - The Four Modernaires

 Soundtrack - Jeepers Creepers

I don't care what the weather man says

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