Chapter 6

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Lily POV

We walk into the hospital wing and it's easy to spot James' bed as the quidditch team is surrounding a bed.

"How is he?" I ask, doing my best to hold back my tears.

"He's unconscious right now, Ms.Evans, but he'll be fine." Madam Pomfrey says. "He lost a decent amount of blood, he'll have to stay overnight for observation." I nod and I can't hold back the tears.

"Cone on guys." Marlene says to the quidditch team. "Let's go make sure everything is taken care of." She leads them away except for Sirius, who stays with Remus, Peter, and I. Remus brings over some chairs and we sit around James' bed.

"I'm sorry James, it's my fault." I say, stroking his hand.

"Lily, stop. It's not." Remus says. "It's Snape's fault."

"He better hope McGonagall finds him first." Sirius says through gritted teether, tears rolling down his face.

"Sirius no, don't. Please." I say. He looks at me and nods. "How do I fix this?"

"Lily, there's nothing to fix, none of this is your fault." Remus says. "It's not the first time they fought over you, but" I can tell from how Remus' voice trails off that this is the first time James didn't fight back.

"May I see you four in my office?" Professor Dumbledoor says suddenly. Peter, Sirius, and Remus exchange looks of When did he get here?

"Yes professor." We say, getting up. I stroke James' hand once more before we go, and I hear Peter murmur under his breath,

"You're too brave. Thank you for protecting me."

We follow Dumbledoor out into his office and find Professor Slughorn talking with McGonagall, and he's here as well, standing over in the corner, glaring at us as we walk in.

"So, I have heard everyone's story on the matter." Dumbledoor said.

"How can you trust their word!" Snape says, pointing at us. "They're his friends. He attacked me!"

"Mr.Snape, despite your claims of being assaulted by Mr.Potter, we can find no supporting evidence to support that claim, as well as the testimony from there four." Dumbledoor said camly. "Now if you could please refrain from interrupting me again, that would be most beneficial to you. I understand young love can cause emotions to run, but I must insist that this must not happen again. And I must stress this, that I will not tolerate any retaliation or any further fighting. Understand?"

"Yes, professor." We all said, although Snape sounded upset to say it.

"Ok. You four may leave." Dumbledoor said, and we turned and left. Outside we found Marlene, Mary, and Alice.

"How are you?" Mary asked as the girls walked up and hugged me.

"I don't know." I said, tears filling my eyes again.

"We're going back down to the hospital wing." Remus said. "You're more than welcome to join us."

"We'll all go." Marlene said, and we all walked down to the hospital wing. We find James still lying in bed, motionless. We stand or sit around, most of us crying, I have to wipe away my own tears rather frequently. We all loose track of time, just waiting for James to wake up.

"You guys must leave now." Madam Pomfrey comes over. I open my mouth to object, but close it and nod my head. I let go of James' hand and get up to follow everyone to the Great Hall. We all ate in silence together, unable to speak, our thoughts about James back in the hospital wing.

James POV

I feel myself laying comfortably in soft bed. Where am I? Am I dead? I think, my mind starts to race. I think of my parents, my friends, and Lily. Oh, Lily, maybe we could have been a couple if I wasn't such an arrogant ass all those years, but now it's too late. I think I hear people talking, but I don't bother trying to listen, I'm already dead, right?

"Prongsie, if you can hear me, can you wake up?" Was that Sirius? So, am I not dead?

"Sirius?" I say, I still don't open my eyes.

"Prongs!" That's definitely Sirius.

"Mr.Black, be quiet." Madam Pomfrey snapped.

"Hey, Pads." I say, opening my eyes. Sirius is standing there by himself. He looks pretty pale and his eyes are bloodshot. "Where is everyone?"

"In your dorm room, trying to cheer up Lily." Sirius said. "She's been blaming herself for what happened."

"It's not her fault." I say, and Sirius cracks a smirk.

"That's what we've been telling her." Sirius says. "How do you feel?"

"Little weak, other then that I guess I'm good." I say. Madam Pomfrey comes over.

"Good, you're awake Mr.Potter. How are you feeling?" She asks.

"A little weak, but I'm ready to go." I say, rather hopeful.

"You may go, tomorrow morning." She says. "I just want to keep you overnight for observation. You did loose a decent amount of blood."

"Can my other friends see me then?" I ask, somewhat discouraged. I figured she wouldn't let me go, but I had to try.

"Unfortunately not tonight." She says. "It's time for you to leave Mr.Black. Mr.Potter needs rest." I can tell Sirius is about to say something but he stops from a look from Madam Pomfrey .

"I'll tell everyone you're feeling fine." He says, gives me a quick hug, then walks out.

"Madam Pomfrey?" I say.

"Yes, Mr.Potter?" she says.

"Why is my sheet soaked?" I say, finding a rather damp area with my left hand.

"That would be due to Ms.Evans. She was rather a mess at your bedside, hopefully the good news will cheer her up." She says, then walks away to tend to someone else.

She was at my bedside, I think, but I'm immediately saddened at the thought of making her cry so much.

Lily POV

We're all sitting in silence around the fireplace when we hear the picture frame open. I turn to see Sirius walk in, and he appers to be slightly happier than when he left.

"He's awake!" Sirius yells. Everyone starts smiling and crying again, and I just collapse on the couch, balling. I feel Remus and Marlene's arms wrap around me.

"How is he?" Peter asks.

"He says he's fine, little weak." Sirius says. "Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let him leave, and she said no visitors tonight. She wants to keep him overnight for observation."

"Did he look bad?" I manage to ask after calming myself.

"He looks rather handsome." Sirius says, Remus shakes his head and Marlene rolls her eyes. "But seriously, he looks fine. She just wanted to keep him overnight due to the amount of blood he lost."

"Thank you." I say. "Thank you all." Everyone comes over and hugs me again. "I'm gonna go to bed." Everyone had a slightly worried look, but they quietly left, leaving me alone in silence in. I stand up and walk into my room. My stomach hurts slightly from all the crying I've been doing, but I ignore the pain and just crawl into bed, my mind racing over everything that happened today.

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