Chapter 25, 1970 : Don't It Mean I Love You?

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The next few days were pretty calm. Since Mother Miranda was dead, no one had to be afraid of her. The villagers soon had back their normal everyday life and it nearly seemed like they did not even remember that evil witch. But they needed a superior, so one who told them what was wrong and what was not. As one of the seven, Melisande (or Arachne) took Miranda's place as head of the village and its lords. She helped the people with her magic to solve everyday problems which quickly led to them praying to her.

It was a quiet, peaceful morning in Castle Dimitrescu. The summer sun was shining through the high windows into the bedroom of Alcina and Melisande. The lady of the castle was laying on her side on the bed, smiling dreamingly while looking at Melisade, who was breastfeeding little Saiya. The baby made cute little noises while drinking and looked with big blue eyes up to her mother. Melisande herself smiled warmly, but Alcina could not help to notice the worried shimmer in her eyes that was present at every moment of the day.

Alcina kisses Melisande's bare shoulder, which made Melisande chuckle a little. "What is on your mind, my love?", the Countess asked with a low, still sleepy voice. Melisande brushed over her daughter's hair and started to dress her in her little jumper. "Nothing important. I just did not sleep so well.", she answered and gave Saiya to Alcina, who took the baby extra gently. With her big hands she carefully tickled the little girl, making her laugh in a high baby voice. "Who is mommy's little angel? Yes you are.", the Lady said, her voice full of love for the girl.

Melisande watched the scene with a smile and tears in her eyes. There were no tears of joy or happiness, but of sadness. She tried to hide her inner feelings and the pain she was experiencing every day since the birth of her daughter. Alcina did not know, but Melisande knew her story was coming to a close.
She rose from the bed and went to the window with slow and elegant steps. Her gaze wandered over the green hills, the trees, the village. Her new home. All of those lands she was looking at were her and Alcinas properties and they took care of them all. Everything was so peaceful since she killed Miranda that she had nearly forgotten how sick she was. Yes, she knew that the day she would die would break Alcinas heart and it broke hers to know she would cause so much pain. This was the reason why she never told Alicna of her pain. She wanted to enjoy her last week's, days… Who knows how long she would live.

She looked down at a field filled with little flowers of all kinds and colours, shining like little colorful dots on the green grass. Beautiful. It was at this moment, when she had a wonderful idea. She turned around, her sadness vanished. "Alcina, dear, it's such great weather, why don't we arrange a picnic for us and our daughter's. Maybe Donna and Karl want to join us too." The Countess looked surprised by her sudden offer. Since the ball Melisande had avoided any kind events. She even refused to go hunting with her three older daughters. She had told her that she was simply too afraid to leave her little Saiya behind for too long even when Alcina was always near.

“What a wonderful idea, sweetness”, the lady answered with a light smile and stood, still carrying Saiya in her giant arms.
A knock at the door made them turn their heads, but they already knew who it was, thanks to the loud giggling outside their room. “Come on in, daughters.”, Melisande said, stepping forward to stand next to Alcina. With loud laughter the girls ran inside, holding each other's hands. They started to dance in circles around their mothers, which made Melisande chuckle and Alcina raising her eyebrow with a skeptical expression. “Calm down!”, she demanded with a confused voice. “Oh, mother!”Cassandra began, smiling brightly. “It’s such a nice day!”Daniela continued with shining eyes, ”We wanted to ask you, if we can leave the castle to play outside!”Bela closed their thoughts. The lady still looked a bit stiff, because her daughters behaved so inappropriately. “What a coincidence…We just had the idea of a picnic in the gardens”,she explained with a slow voice, inspecting each of her daughters, who burst into cheers of joy.

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