Chapter 18, 1970: Rain

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This birth was by far the most painful Melisande had ever experienced. Midbirth both mother and child were out of power, there was no going on, it was too painful, too horrible. Melisande thought that she and her baby would die, leaving this world like her husband wanted her to. She lost so much blood that even the three daughters of the house were concerned and looked away.

Firstly Alcina and Heisenberg agreed that he would definitely not be part of the birth as it was an event only women should be a part of, but soon enough the Countess realized that her daughters were not able to think clearly and that they would not be much of a help. With a deep sigh she sends Bela to Heisenberg, asking him to help her and Melisande. Her screams were loud and full of pain, but she sounded already exhausted when the Lord entered the room. It was easy to say that he was not fond of helping a witch to give birth, but he soon understood how serious this situation really was. "Do you think she'll make it?", he asked Alcina who was wiping away sweat from Melisande's forehead with a cold towel. Her voice was cracking. "I do not know, Karl. I do not know."

After hours of pain and despair finally the crying of a baby filled the halls. Ironically enough it was Heisenberg, who was the first one to hold the newborn in his arms. Melisande let out a relieved sigh when she heard her baby scream and she finally allowed herself to cry. She had felt something while giving birth and she knew it was the disease which had spread fast when she was too weak to defend herself. She could not be happy, because she knew that she would not watch her baby grow. Alcina placed a loving kiss on Melisande's forehead. "You did it, darling", she was so proud of her.

While Alcina comforted Melisande and made sure that she was going to be alright, Heisenberg held the little child in his arms. He did not know if he should be disgusted or amazed. "So tiny...", he whispered with a soft smile. With a careful cut he cutted through the umbilical cord with a metal knife. He then carefully covered the little being in a soft towel. "Do we have a boy or a girl?", Alcina asked him. Heisenberg looked at her and then at the baby. He felt strange. Why was his heart so heavy? "A girl.", he answered with a dark voice. Alcina smiled happily although she knew that this little girl was now in danger. She rose from the bed and took the girl in her arms, smiling proudly. She had golden curls with a brown strand of hair on the right side, her skin was as pale and porcelain as her mothers. She seemed so, so tiny in the giant arms of Alcina. "Beautiful...My little girl." Carefully she laid the baby girl on her mothers chest, who smiled weakly. "She looks like her mother",Alcina said in a loving tone. "She does", Melisande answered, before talking to Heisenberg, who now stood by the window, lost in his thoughts. It rained heavily, the clouds were as dark as a crow's wings and the wind was like a storm. "Karl?" "Hm?", he turned his head in her direction. He had no sunglasses on, his hat laid on a nearby table as well as his trench coat. Melisande saw the pain in his eyes, the pain he experienced over so many years, she saw a broken man who was playing the hard one. She felt bad for him. Because she gave birth to a girl, he and Alcina would be in danger again.

"I want you to name her." It was quiet for a moment. "That is not a good idea.", Alcina said finally with a displeasing look in her brother's direction. "I agree.", he said and shook his head, but Melisande insisted. "You are her uncle after all and the first one who holded her when she entered this world. It would mean a lot to me, if you would name her." He sighed annoyed and took the girl in his arms. "Alright if you stop then to look at me like that." Under Alcinas watchful eyes he stood with the little girl in front of the window. After five minutes she opened her eyes for the first time. Her eyes were blue, but had a dark undertone. Her eyes looked like the storm, like the rain that was falling from the black sky. He smiled as he realized that she was healthy for a premature baby and it made him a little proud to know that this little girl was his niece in a way. "Saiya.", he said quietly, brushing carefully over her cheek. "Sounds surprisingly wonderful", Alcina admitted and turned to Melisande who smiled. "Has this name a meaning?", she asked, like she had asked Alcina when she had given her her name. He nodded and rocked the baby in his arms. "It means 'black rain'."

Alcina and Heisenberg took care of little Saiya while Melisande slept. It was the first time they did not argue or swear in each other's companion.  The baby slept in the little, covered in the softest blankets, washed and cleaned up. She was strong and not only Alcina, but also Heisenberg could sense the magic within her tiny body. She was so beautiful.

Heisenberg sighed heavily. "Hard to believe that this child is the reason we will soon die.", he rubbed his eyes. Alcina did not answer. She was happy, so happy to know that both Saiya and Melisande were alright, but she knew that her brother was alright. "We will not die.", she eventually said in a quiet tone. "Sure about that? That bitch will kill everyone in her way so she can kill this baby. And if I can sense that girls magic that bitch will too." "My biggest problem for now is that she is premature and Melisande lost so much blood. I do not believe that we are done here.", Alcina admitted and stood to her full height. Heisenberg remained sitting at the little crib, decorated with flower ornaments and gold. Alcina looked sad at the baby. "All of this pain only to realize that she is not a son. I personally don't care. I am happy to be the mother of this beautiful girl, but Miranda…" Heisenberg nodded. "There is a witch in her territory that is not only a lot more powerful than she is. This witch just gave birth to a daughter, a powerful daughter and this is anything she ever wanted, but will never get." Again he nodded and wanted to respond, when a scream ripped the silence apart.

It was Melisande. When the two lords rushed into the room, Melisande was arching and screaming in pain. Her face looked more distorted than before when she had given birth.
Alcina sat on the side of the bed, trying to calm her down. Tears were running down her cheeks. "What's wrong dearest?" The Countess tried to ask as calmly as possible, but it did not really work. "It hurts…", Melisande said with a hoarse voice that was trembling from pain. She laid her hand on her belly.

Alcina looked helpless. What to do? She never gave birth herself, how would she know what to do when something like this happened. While she was thinking, Heisenberg stepped to her side and pushed Melisande's belly slightly down. A stream of blood exited her. "Accumulation of blood", Heisenberg explained simply when he saw Alcinas shocked expression.

"Are you feeling any better?", she asked Melisande while trying to wipe her hot face with a cold cloth. She nodded,but seemed much more pale than before. Her skin was nearly grey, shimmering with a blue undertone. Alcinas heart skipped a beat. 'She will die from blood loss.', she thought, giving her a loving kiss. "We need the blood bags from the dungeon." she said hecticly, looking at her brother with tears in her eyes. "And we need to change the bedding immediately", a tear fell down her cheek, "Otherwise she will die in childbed."

While Karl and Bela were running through the castle and Daniela and Cassandra were taking care of little Saiya, Alcina was sitting by her side. She never was as afraid as this before. She could not bear the thought of Melisande dying after giving birth to such a wonderful baby girl. "Saiya is strong and healthy.", she explained to Melisande, "She really looks like you, except for her blue eyes." Melisande smiled weakly, her eyes were heavy, but she forced herself to stay awake. She brushed over Alcinas hand with her thumb, hoping to calm her a bit. The pain she was feeling was horrible. It felt like her inner organs were ripped apart, every breath felt like dorns of a rose were pushing into her lungs. She felt that it was the disease of the rose, but she did not say anything.

"Got the bags.", Heisenberg said, entering the scene and making sure to check first if her blood was reacting friendly with the blood of the bag. "Yeah, looks alright.",he said while the blood slowly began to flow into Melisande's system. "You should sleep now, honey.", Alcina said, giving her a loving kiss on the forehead. Alcina wanted to follow Karl, who was already out of the room, but Melisande stopped her. "Alcina?" She turned to her. "Yes, dear?" Melisande smiled at her with a smile that was showing pure love. "I love you."

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