Chapter 10, 1969 : Betrayal

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"No mother Miranda. Of course this is no problem at all.", she bit her lip with force, "I will await you.", she hung up, closing her eyes to control her anger, before standing to her full height and rushing through the door. "Bela!" she called and her daughter arrived immediately. "Mother Miranda is coming. Prepare everything for her arrival." "Yes of course, mother!", Bela said, bowed and disappeared.

Alcina went down the corridors. She was feeling uneasy. Mother Miranda never visited her in her castle, she always commands them all to come to her. Something was wrong and something told her that it was about Melisande. She had to find her.

"Melisande!", she shouted while stepping down the stairs. All maidens stepped out of her way, bowing deeply before her. The Countess went to the greenhouse, hoping to find her there. And she was right. Melisande was sitting at the old fountain, placing a little spider on it, which climbed into the opening where the water should come out. She made flowing, slow movements with her hands as if she was weaving a web. Alcina watched her as she stood up and went around the fountain whispering some inaudible words. She moved her hands along the flowers made of stone and closed her eyes. "The water is flowing.", she said and looked up at Alcina. "Look.", she made a small gesture with her hand and the fountain came to life, water flowing out of it, filling it and the canals all over the green house, watering the plants. "You look worried, Alcina. Is everything alright?", she asked, fetching the spider out of the water. "Mother Miranda is going to visit this castle and I want you not to enter my private chambers for a while." When she said the name Miranda, Melisande stopped in her movements and looked directly at Alcina. "You think she is coming because of me?" Alcina nodded and stepped closer. "I want to protect you. It means no good when she is coming for a visit." She could see in Melisande's eyes that she wanted to protest, but she just smiled and bowed before her. "Of course. I will stay here." "Good.", Alcina let the air out of her lungs and went to Melisande cupping her face with her hands, but said nothing. The housekeeper leaned into her touch, looking up and said: "When she is hurting you, call my name."

Alcina had no idea what would come over her. She was nervously going up and down in her chambers, waiting for the maids to announce mother's arrival. Finally she sat down in front of her mirror checking her makeup, putting new lipstick on and correcting the position of her hat several times. Normally it would be no big deal for her to talk to mother Miranda, but since she had a very special guest, she felt kinda strange as if she was afraid Miranda could 'steal' Melisande from her. She was thinking about Melisande's expression when she heard Miranda's name. It seemed like she knew her, but not in a good way.

"My lady?", a maiden carefully asked through the door. "Mother Miranda has arrived." she announced. "Yes, yes I come in a minute, bring her a cup of tea.", she ordered and leaned back, closing her eyes. 'That's nonsense! There is nothing wrong, she just comes to visit her daughter, nothing more.',she tried to calm herself down, standing to her full height and taking her pipe, enlightening it. She stepped to the window, looking at the village, calmly blowing the smoke into the air. 'Nothing wrong.' She watched a little spider weaving her web at a corner of the room, taking again a deep breath and blowing the smoke out of her lungs. "You are behaving like a child." she reprimanded herself, putting the pipe down and leaving the room.

Mother Miranda sat at a coffee table, enjoying a cup of tea. She wore a black dress with golden thread embroidery and her blonde hair was covered with a black veil. Her light green eyes were focused on the cup when Alcina entered. "You let me wait. How impolite of you.", she said with a stirn voice, not looking at the Countess, who took a deep breath and tried to look relaxed. "I am sorry, mother, there was an important task that had to be fulfilled. I beg for your forgiveness. ", she sat down at the table purring herself a cup of tea. "It is like it is, Alcina." Miranda took a sip. "I want to talk to you about an idea Karl had.", she informed her. Alcina rolled her eyes and sighed annoyed. Miranda ignored her. "He found out about a certain method to..."Alcina did not listen any further. I could not be important if Heisenberg came up with it. Why was she here? She could have told her that on the phone.

Her thoughts went to Melisande and the effects she had on her. The Countess had never been a person led by her feelings, she barely had any. Since Miranda had done certain things with her she was not the same. She felt empty. The only feelings she had were anger and hatred. Only her daughters had made her feel caring and loving, but now... This witch made her feel so much more. She felt emotions within herself she had already forgotten about. She made her feel special. Alcina was in love before of course, so she knew how it felt, but this was different.

"Alcina are you paying attention?", Miranda asked with a bit of anger in her voice. "Excuse me, mother. What were you saying?", Alcina asked, cursing herself for being not concentrated. Miranda leaned back, crossing her arms in front of her chest and observing the Countess closely. Alcina was getting more and more nervous with every minute passing without mother Miranda saying anything. Her green eyes were looking into her soul. "What is it that keeps you distracted?"she asked dangerously calm. "Nothing, mother.", Alcina said taking a sip of her tea to have an excuse to look away. Miranda let her head fall to one side. Suddenly her eyes widened. "You are in love.", it was not a question, but a statement. For a second Alcina forgot how to breath. She placed her cup down. "No, I am not.", she stated, but Miranda had already stood up, walking around the table, standing directly in front of her. "Who is it?", she asked, her voice nothing but anger. Alcina did not say a word which made Miranda even more furious. "Who is he?!", she screamed and slammed her hand on the table. Alcina looked at Miranda. "There is no man in my life.", she answered, looking her dead in the eyes. It was this look when Miranda stepped a bit backwards, her expression being distorted with hate. "You have the sign of another magical creature on you... The sign of a woman...She marked you." Her hands formed into a wrist, her voice being soaked with disgust. "Stand up.", she ordered. Alcina was afraid, but she did as she was told. Then hell came over her. "I am your mother! I created you! You swore loyalty to no one, but me! I can rip you of your life!", with that her hands formed into claws and she stabbed Alcina into her stomach. Normally Alcina would not have felt much and the wound would heal fast, but...

She let out a hoarse scream. A sharp feeling of pain made her writhe in pain. She bent over, the pain was so strong it got her on her knees. "You have no right to love anyone, but me!"Miranda screamed and ripped the claws out of Alcinas body, making her fall. She had to support herself with one arm, the other being closed around her stomach. What was wrong? Why was she not healing herself. She looked at her wound. Her dress was soaked with warm, red blood. 'Why is it still bleeding? ", she asked herself in panic. Then she realized. Hemophilia. It was a blood disease carried by any woman in her family, but only the man would get it. The reason why she did not stop had to be this disease, but she was a woman. Why..? She caughted blood and breathed heavily when she looked at mother Miranda. "The tea...", she managed to get out before she began to feel a bit dizzy. "Clever girl.", Miranda said, walking to the window, opening it. "Karl was right. You are too weak! You are too human! I should have gotten rid of you sooner.", she said before turning into a swarm of crows.

Soon the dress was not capable of holding any more blood and it was dripping to the floor. Alcina could feel her power fade. Her sight got blurry, her eyes heavy, her body stiff. She was losing too much blood. She would die... Her eyes got teary. This was not possible. This was her end? But what would happen to her children? Her daughters... Tears felt down her cheeks. "I am sorry girls...",she cried as her arm began twitching. It was ending soon. She looked at the door saying "Melisande..." with a cracking, fading voice, before collapsing. A pool of blood soon covered the whole floor.

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