Chapter 19, 1970 : Dance With Me

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”What did you say?”, the Countess asked with a perplexed expression, but Melisande was already asleep. Alcina felt a comfortable warmth in her chest. It was making her heart beat faster and for a second she thought these words were never said and she had just imagined them. Slowly she sat down again, brushing over Melisande's soft skin. She had never dreamed of hearing those words again. If she was honest to herself, the lady did not even know when she heard those three words the last time. It must have been back then when she had been still a human, before all the pain, all of those cruel experiments, before her heart, her mind was drowned in darkness and hatred. A hatred she never was able to control. It had made her mad, cruel. No one loved her, they said it because they were terrified.

When Miranda had made experiments with those three innocent girls she felt something like love for the first time since her turning and she loved her daughters deeply. She would kill and die for them, but this was a mother's love.

She bent down, leaning her forehead against Melisandes. A tear formed in her eye. This was a different kind of love and it made her heart feel so light like a feather in the wind of a warm summer evening. Alcina never realized that she was capable of feeling such a pure love after Miranda turned her into whatever she was now. Yet she sat here by a woman she felt this true love towards and this woman just made her the biggest gift in the world. She gave her a daughter. A lovely little being, so fragile and yet so beautiful and strong. And although Saiya was just a few hours a part of this world, she already had stolen a big part of Alcinas heart. She was her fourth daughter and she would protect her and Melisande from any danger, no matter the cost.

"I love you too, my dear, more than I could ever express. I will protect you from Miranda and we will heal you from that disease, so you can watch our daughter grow up...I promise."

When she finally left the room and got back to Saiya she found her not alone, but in her uncle's arms surrounded by Daniela, Bela and Cassandra who all looked completely fascinated by that little human being. They did not notice that their mother entered the room and just continued looking at the girl. "So fragile", Cassandra stated, but smiled and stretched a bit to look over her sister's shoulder. "Yes and so tiny. Yet I am surprised that her head was able to fit through… you know what I mean.", Daniela said and slowly stretched out her hand to brush over the golden hair. "So soft." Bela smiled the brightest and leaned her head on her uncle's shoulder, carefully tickling the baby, who laughed with a loud and light voice. "She will be beautiful", she said. Heisenberg was quietly staring at the girl in his arms. If you would ask him, he would never admit that he was feeling proud that he had been the one who had welcomed her into this world. "Glad you made it, little princess", he mumbled barely. Alcina smiled to herself thinking that her "brother" could be caring and loving at times although he would never admit it, but she knew it. 'He is not a bad guy', she thought, but she would still keep an eye on him and her baby daughter.

"I see you have already met your little sister, my dears?", the Countess said and bowed down to give each of them a kiss on their cheeks. "Yes mother and she is beautiful!", Daniela claimed with sparkling eyes. "How is your lover doing?", Heisenberg asked with a deep voice and laid the baby back into its crib. "She is alright. Just tired of course, this birth was horrible",she took a deep breath and sank down onto a chair. She was exhausted and tired herself, yet she was not able to close her eyes. There was something that made her mind restless. With a wink she sent her daughters away. One to check on Melisande, one to prepare a cup of tea for her and one cup of coffee for Heisenberg and one to bring extra blankets for the baby.

It was silent in the room. Heisenberg drank his coffee while staring at the ceiling and Alcina had little baby Saiya in her arms, which looked kinda funny, because she was so tall. "Have you heard anything from Miranda?", she finally broke the slightly uncomfortable silence. "Wondered when you would ask.", he stated a little harshly. He approached her and sat down at the table with her, looking at his niece for a fraction of a second, before turning his attention back to Alcina. "Angie called when you stayed with Melisande. She told me that this bit-", he started, but saw Alcina glare at him and then at the baby, "-sorry. She told me that Miranda had left the village in rage. She visited Donna and tried to figure out who Melisande really is and why a newborn is more powerful than she is. Donna refused to answer and she got hurt a bit." Alcina gasped for air in dismay. "What?!", she tried to be as quiet as possible as Saiya started to get sleepy again. "No worries, no worries!", Heisenberg tried to calm her down and lifted his hands. "Angie took care of her and she is alright, but Miranda is nowhere to be seen."

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