Chapter 22, 1970 : Cruelty

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The Spiders Queen. Lots of stories are told about this witch, who is the youngest, but the most cruel one of her siblings. Representing the human dreams, she is a master of weaving false realities and making her victims hallucinate. She can see the dreams of the people around her and is able to manipulate them at will. What sounds harmless at first is pretty much deadly. More than one case is known where the Queen did use her powers to lure humans into her webs. Whole villages were hunted by nightmares and deadly hallucinations when she was near. What she does to the once disappearing in her presents is unknown, but one thing is known for sure: They were never seen again. 

When it comes to her appearance nobody really knows what she actually looks like as no human ever escaped her cruel trap, but many fairy tales about the seven sisters are told. All of them wear long robes and veils to cover their hair and faces. It's said that their appearance is so threatening that it's able to kill at sight.
Arachne, The Spiders Queen, appears in most stories as a young woman with golden hair, porcelain skin and silver eyes or as in a white robe and veil covered woman with red tattoos on her arms, hands, legs and feet, sitting in a giants spider web surrounded by her little Spiders. What's under her veil is a mystery.

Arachne was born as the daughter of a weaver, who had the ability to weave the most beautiful patterns with threads of silver and gold. All his tapestries were unique and of such beauty that kings and queens from all over the world came to bid them.
He loved his little daughter, although no one knew where she came from. He never had a wife and no pregnant woman was seen near his old house near the woods. "Don't go up into the attic.", her father told her every evening when the sun disappeared behind the old trees and she never went up there although she heard a woman crying every night.
She saw that her father went into the attic every week and when he came back he weaved even more stunning patterns with even more expensive threads.
One day her father was not home, so she decided to go up into the attic. When she opened the old hatch she was greeted by millions of spider webs and spiders with red eyes, but they seemed weak, like were about to die. Dead spiders were laying on the wooden floor and behind all the giant spider webs a woman was sitting. Red glowing shackles closed around her wrists and neck, burning themselves into her pale skin. It smelled like burned skin and hair. Her silver hair looked like threads made of spider webs, she had silver eyes that were shining red from all the tears she had cried.
When she saw Arachne she smiled lightly and said: "My precious daughter..." She sounded weak and defeated. Arachne came closer. "Help me. The man you think is your father is an evil witcher. He uses my powers for his own benefit. Help me. Bring me into the forest."

And so Arachne helped the woman to escape her fathers grip and brought her into the dark forest. Where they found a giant spider, sitting in her web. The woman smiled calmly and collapsed in Arachne's arms. "I will die, my child, but you will live and take revenge for me.", with that she died and left her daughter, Arachne as The Spiders Queen.

Years later her father was found dead, weaved into a giant spider web in the attic with a silent scream on his lips.


The velvety veil hit the ground and all that was heard was Miranda gasping for air. "Run, little rabbit, run."  Arachne's voice sounded like cold death. The grass beneath her feet began to wilt, becoming brown, grey, lifeless. Her long bony fingers were dyed red at the top as well as the tips of her toes. It was a high contrast to the dead grass.
Miranda was not able to move, she was frozen to stone as she looked into her eyes. There were four eyes, one of them being on each of her temples. She had two sets of irises in each eye, coloured in an elegant silver, which made her look like a dead woman. Blue nearly deep violent veins ran down her cheeks, looking like tears cried long ago, burned deep into her skin. Her lips looked try and rough, being nearly as white as her skin. Around her neck red marks were to be seen, looking like a robe as if it had been tied to her neck once. Her hair was silver, shining like pure moonlight. On her head a silver crown was sitting, made out of star dust and spider webs, looking so elegant and fragile like the queen herself.
Words cannot describe how terrifying she looked, like all life had already left her long ago, yet she was so elegant and beautiful at the same time.

A sadistic smile appeared on her tired lips while she looked at Miranda, who still had not moved little, but when Arachne made another step, she transformed herself into a crow and tried to fly away, but got caught in the web Arachne had weaved. "Dumb.", was all Archane said before jumping onto her weaved threads. It looked like she walked on air. When she had reached Miranda she grabbed her by the neck like she weighed nothing and threw her across the garden where she got trapped in another web. Spiders crawled towards her, crawled onto her body, her face and tried to get into her mouth.

With slow steps along the thin threads Arachne came near, the glow of death shining in her eyes. "Where is my daughter?",she asked calmly, sitting down onto the nearly invisible threads.
No answer.
"Well, if you don't want to talk...", she opened her mouth unnaturally wide and let a giant spider climb out of it. The spider made her way to Miranda who tried to fight against the sticky webs. Her eyes were full of fear when the spider came near and sat on her forehead. "Again. Where is my daughter?"
No answer.
Arachne sighed annoyed and made a gesture with her hand as if she forced Miranda's mouth open and suddenly her mouth opened and the spider slowly climbed in. Miranda was screaming when the spider disappeared in her mouth. "Let's play a little game, shall we? You seem to love games.", Arachne said opedend her hand, showing all her five fingers. "Five seconds, Miranda. Where. Is. My. Daughter?"
No answer.
"1..." Miranda started to scream again, writhing in pain and fear. She seemed to see something that really threatened her, but the webs held her where she was.
"2..." Another high scream, blood came out of her heart, her eyes were widened and watery from tears.
"3..." Blood came out of her nose as well and her screams became more panicked. She was hallucinating.
"4..." Tears fell down her cheeks and she started to beg for mercy, but Arachne just smiled lightly, making her relife her biggest nightmare.
"5...Poor soul...." A scream and then silence.

Miranda fell to the ground, blood coming out of her mouth as she started vomiting until the spider came out of her. She was in huge pain and she had nearly no power left to hold herself. She was crying.
"Where is my daughter?", Arachne asked again, looking down at the woman.
"Monster...",Miranda said quietly, her voice shaking. Within five minutes Arachne had broken the leader of the village, the feared Mother Miranda.

Arachne laughed and jumped down, grabbing her by the neck, lifting her up. "You tried to kill Aclina. You threatened Donna. You made inhumane experiments on them. You treat an entire village like shit. You killed innocent people to reach your goals! You misused your magic to create a reign of terror and you kidnapped my daughter, because she was my child!
I may be a monster, but better a monster than an arrogant god!! ", with every sentence she became louder and angrier. She was done with her.

With little power she threw her back into the web. To Miranda's demise a giant spider, being more than twice her size showed herself, waiting for instructions. "Have you ever lied, Miranda?", Arachne asked, grabbing Miranda's hair. "No.", the witch answered. "Have you ever killed innocent men?", she asked further. "No.", Miranda answered and as soon as the last words exited her mouth, Arachne cutted her hair off and started to weave a dress, a dress of lies. "Liar.",she said and looked up to the giant spider. "Arane.", her cold gaze wandered to Miranda, "Off with her head."

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