Chapter 3, 1969: Three Daughters

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Time went by and soon it was time for dinner. Lady Dimitrescu had to admit that she was very fond of this little human being in her castle. Melisande was an intelligent woman who knew how she had to behave in front of a Countess. "Were you raised in a household of high status?", Alicna had asked her. The pale woman had to think about this question for a while. When she answered she sounded a bit unsure. "I think so, but I cannot remember much. I am sorry that I cannot answer your questions, my lady." Alcina shook her head and took her hand. "No need to worry, darling~. When time passes by, your memories will come back. Do not rush yourself.", she said with a knowing undertone. She had decided that the young Melisande would stay in the castle for some time. She was not going to leave soon and it did not seem like she wanted to, which was, again, unusual. 

" It is time for dinner. ", Alcina announced, looking at the large wooden clock in the room. "You must be hungry, so let me invite you to come with me, so I can introduce you to my children as well." Melisande smiled warmly at her. "It would be my pleasure." Alcina rose from her seating and went to the closet, opening it. "Well, but before we go...",she took out a black dress, which had black lace stitched onto the silk skirt. It was a long dress with long sleeves and the skirt was slightly flared. "Do you mind if I help you get dressed?",Alcina said with a charming, smoothing voice. "Certainly not, my lady.", she answered, taking the dress. "It closes in the back, so I would appreciate your help." Again they looked in each other's eyes for a few seconds.

'There is something magic about her.' , Alcina thought, 'She has the ability to attract and scare people at the same time, she is charming, intelligent, well-behaved. She is a bit like me and the more I think about it the more she interests me.' She watched closely as Melisande turned around and got out of the nightgown, exposing her slim, beautiful body to the Countess, whose smile immediately lit up. She was indeed wearing nothing, probably because the bath had made everything unusable for some time. "Lovely...", Alcina whispered quietly to herself, "Very lovely indeed." 

Alcina helped her put the dress on and when she closed the buttons on her back, she took her time, enjoying the look of the smooth, pale skin. "There you go, darling~", she straightened to her full height again. Melisande turned around and if you looked close enough, you could see a little blush on her cheeks. "Thank you, my lady.", she bowed to show her thankfulness. Alcina smiled satisfied, but there was one thing left... "Open your hair for me, would you?" Melisande opened her hair by opening the ribbon in her blond hair. In light curls her hair felt over her back, nearly touching her butt. Little strains of hair were hanging into her face, framing it in a way that made the lady speechless. She could not hold back and reached out for one golden lock of hair. "Beautiful..." 

Melisande seemed not a bit nervous when they reached the dining room, but Alcina could feel her interest in the castle and its history. The dining room for example was in the east wing of the castle, which was one of the oldest parts. This showed in the high, but simple ceiling made of dark wood and the wooden paneling at the walls. The desk was from the  18th century, making it way newer, but also more fitting to the rest of the castle. A large chair at the front side marked the place of the Countess. It was a heavily decorated chair, but it was fitting Alcinas looks. The dark wood was a perfect contrast to Alcinas white skin and gown. 

The Countess gestured with her right hand to the chair to her right. Her daughters were not here yet, so she decided to show her guest the wine of the house. She reached out for a bottle and handed it to her. "This wine is from my winery.", she said proudly, "It holds a special ingredient, which helps the wine to unfold its full potential." Melisande looked at the bottle. "A winery? I am surprised, my Lady.", she handed her the bottle back. Alcina opened it and poured the red liquid in two glasses. The wine was a bit thicker than wines you would normally find in a supermarket, which was not unusual. For some kinds of wine less grape juice was used, so the wine was thicker and sweeter at the end. 

Melisande smelled at the wine, leaned back and smiled. "A very special ingredient, indeed.", she looked at Alcina knowingly. The Countess looked at her in surprise. "It is blood, isn't it?". Melisande chuckled a bit at Alcinas facial expression. "Do not worry, my lady. You are not the first inhuman being I meet." She took a sip of the wine. "You are right.", Alcina admitted and took a sip as well. "It really gives the wine the little something.", Melisande said. 

Alcina would have loved to deepen this conversation, but the loud banging of the door, followed by loud cackling and three women, interrupted them. 

Daniela was the first one to notice the unknown woman at their dinner table. She suddenly froze on the spot, her red hair covering half of her face. She gulped when she looked into the silver eyes of the woman sitting next to their mother.
Next one to notice was Bela, who slowed down in her movement to sit down. She looked not as terrified as her little sister, but still a little worry crossed her face, when looking at the beauty watching the three of them enter.
The last one to take note of the guest was Cassandra. When she noticed, she began to smile widely, swiped back her black hair and sat down across from her. "Wow what a beautiful girl you are.", she said bowing forward, her arms resting on the table, observing the blonde woman.
Melisande noticed that of all three daughters Cassandra looked most alike the Countess with her black hair, barely touching her shoulders and the more defined curves. She smiled at the three women. She was not afraid of them, her heartbeat was constantly calm and relaxed as if seeing three women with blood around their mouths was the most common thing to see.
"Daughters, may I introduce you to Melisande.", Alcina said, ignoring her daughters comment about the beauty of her special guest. Then she pointed at Bela, the blonde one. "This is Bela, my oldest daughter." Bela tried to smile and lowered her head saying "Welcome.", like the well-raised daughter she was. Melisande smiled back at her and nodded. Alcina pointed at the black haired one. "Cassandra, our little troubled maker." Cassandra holded out her hand to Melisande. When she took it, Cassandra rose from her seating, bending over and kissing her hand. It took Alcina all of her self control not to grab her daughter by the neck, pulling her away. Instead she gave her a death glare before pointing at the red head, who was still standing near her seat like petrified. "And the one who is unable to sit down is Daniela, my youngest daughter." Daniela awoke from her stare and bowed in apology. "It's nice to meet you.", she said and finally sat down. "It's my pleasure.", Melisande answered and gave her an encouraging smile.
"Oh come on Daniela.", Cassandra said, "You are the lucky one who found this beauty, no need to be shy." She took her wine glass and toasted in her direction. "Behave yourself. You are the one who wanted to eat her.", Bela said disapprovingly. Cassandra let out an evil laugh while drinking the wine. "Maybe I will do so later. I would love to taste your blood. You smell so incredibly delicious.", she licked over her lips "No you won't.", Bela said. Cassandra turned to her, looking her challenging in the eyes. "Why so loud Bela? You want to taste her as well. I can feel how fast your heart is beating.", she laughed again and grinned madly. "I-I... This is not true.", Bela tried to defend herself. "Oh yes, you do want her.", Daniela said suddenly. She still looked skeptical, but seemed to get a little interested as well and even though three vampires were fighting about her blood, Melisande just smiled. She was not so calm inside however. "Daniela shut up!", Cassandra shouted. "Don't scream like that.", Bela hissed at her. "You can do so as well. I am the one who greeted her properly. I will get her."

Bela wanted to complain again, but before she could, the Countess slammed her frist onto the table, making everyone flitch heavily. Her chest was rising and falling very fast and her eyes glowed like fire. "Enough! No one will touch her! She belongs to me!"

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