Chapter 2, 1969: Honey

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Alcinas mouth was wide open when the woman had finished. For a moment she was unable to move or to catch a clear thought. Honey? She never was a fan of this sweet substans. Too sticky for her liking and way too sweet. Bela liked honey, she said that she liked the moment, when it touched her tongue and the sweet floral taste unfolded in her mouth. No one ever had compared her eyes to honey. Some said they looked like gold, others thought of amber when they looked at her eyes and she herself? She did not know. There were moments when she asked herself why humans were so attracted to her eyes, but she never thought about what her eyes looked like.
The lady shook her head, trying to organize her thoughts. She clapped in her hands and soon after that a maiden entered the room. She looked a bit surprised to see a stranger laying in the bathtub of her Countess. "Y-You asked for me, my lady?", she asked looking in the bathtub with wide eyes. Alcina could feel how her heartbeat quickened. "No need to worry.",she noted in a strict tone, "She is alive. I want you to get her out of there. Dress her in new clothing and bring her to the chambers near the bathhouse. If you need help, ask another maiden." As soon as she had made her order clear, she stood up, looking down at the maiden who still looked like she was petrified. "Y-Yes, my lady. It will be done right away."

When Alcina entered one of the rooms made for wine tastings, she was greeted by her three daughters, who sat around the table. They wanted to stand up, but Alcina guestured them to remain sitting while she reached out for one of the wine glasses prepared on the table. She poured herself a glass of wine and sat down. No one talked for a moment. The three of them waited patiently for her mother to speak first, but it seemed like she was in deep thoughts. Bela decided to break the uncomfortable silence. She cleared her throat with a soft tone and started talking. "Mother, I don't want to disturb you in your thoughts, but may I ask you how the young woman is doing?", she was careful and tried to not sound like someone who tried to hide his interest. When Alcina Dimitrescu was captured in her own thoughts it definitely meant that something was up and the fact that she seemed to ignore her oldest daughter, made the other two even more tense. Daniela was sitting still, her head was hanging down and she stared at her hands which she had folded in her lap. Cassandra on the other hand was a bit hippy which made her look like an impatient child who wanted nothing more, but to play after dinner, but had to remain sitting until everyone was finished.

Lady Alcina took a sip of the red wine, took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second. She had to admit to herself, that the young woman's words were sticking in her head, together with the question: "Why is she not afraid of me?" The Countess knew about the effect she had on most of the humans. Men tended to find her very pleasant for their eyes, because of her body and her ... eyes, but at the same time they would be terrified, because of her height and her dominant, determining voice. She liked that, to be honest. The fear gleamed in their eyes when they tried to run away, their rising heartbeats and the slightly opened mouths when they saw her for the first time. She was so used to the fear surrounding her, so used to the panic in the eyes of the maidens, so used to being respected by everyone without exception. The calm gaze of the woman and her unexpected answer were, however, nearly the complete opposite of all that. There was no fear, no panic, no rising heartbeat, just calmness. Maybe she was still too dizzy to realize that Alcina was indeed no human being, yet her answer to her question was as clear as a crystal.

"She was awake for a few moments.", she finally said and placed the empty glass on the wooden table in front of her. "Did she say something?", Daniela asked, looking up from her hands. "Did she try to run away?", Cassandra asked with a wide smile and got a very dangerous look from her mother. Alcina turned to her youngest and said after a short silence: "No, she did not say anything. She just looked around and fell back into unconsciousness. I decided that she will be our quest for some time, what equals to: no harm will happen to her, understood?", she looked directly at Cassandra who crossed her arms in front of her chest, a disapproving expression on her face, but she said nothing. "Yes mother.", Daniela and Bela answered like well-behaved children. "Very well.", Dimitrescu smiled at her daughters and stood up. "I wish not to be disdurbed until dinner. Send me a maiden with a cup of tea, would you?", she determined while bending down to fit through the door. Again she heard all of the children agreeing: "Yes, mother."

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