Chapter 4, 1969: Beauty

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Everyone was quiet for some time, but Cassandra, seemingly tired of her life, stood up and said to her mother: "Why does the best always belong to you? Who said she is yours? I bet she doesn't even know that she "belongs" to you." In Alcinas face and on her cleavage red spots began to show up and she looked like she was about to lose all control she had left. Slowly she rose, straightening to her full height. "Who do you think you are talking to?! I am your mother! I gave you the power you hold if I want to, I can rip you of all your abilities. I raised you like a loving mother, teaching you all I knew, showing you how to live in this world and this is your way to thank me? By requesting my orders, by disrespecting my decisions, by questioning me in front of your guest? Unthankful brat! You behave like a naughty farmer's daughter! Not like the lady I raised! Get out of my sight!"

When the Countess was done Cassandra looked like she had been struck by lightning. All her spirit to fight against her mother was gone, her eyes were widened and it even seemed like her legs were a bit shaking. Which was Ideen no wonder. Alcinas voice was dominant in any way possible and even in this situation she holded so much grace and dignity. She was loud, but not loud enough to look like had lost control over herself. The Countess was still the one standing above all in this castle and this showed in an impressive way, why.

The fire burning in her eyes reminded everyone in the room of an all destroying storm made of the golden flames of hell. Who took over a lost soul once it was damned to suffer for eternity. Her face was contorted in anger, all the soft facial features suddenly seemed so rough and formed to show all of her disgust, but even in this situation, she was beautiful in another way. Being so dominant was more her style and even if she was a charming lady, in the end this natural ability of hers to make anyone fear for their lives, but still find her pretty and most beautiful was what made her so dangerous and it was this combination that made everyone bend their knees before her.

Alcina Dimitrescu was not just a Countess. She holded enough grace, dignity, assertiveness, charms and beauty to be a queen. Not a queen of people's hearts, but a queen of people's minds. It was impossible to forget her, it was impossible to forget this stunning dignity she forced everyone to bow before her with whether it was in fear or in respect.
"But... but mother.", Cassandra said so meekly, it was almost impossible to believe that she had just screamed at her mother. "Get. Out.", Alcina said with restrained anger in her voice. Cassandra knew she should follow this order, so she bowed deeply and left the room. The Countess took a deep breath and let herself fall back onto her chair, covering her face with her hands for a moment, then she leaned back.

The rest of the dinner was very quiet. The only one who dared to speak was Daniela, who asked Melisande for forgiveness for their bad behavior. "No need to be ashamed. I know how difficult it must be for you to find new prey in this weather." With this she was the first one not to freak out, when first meeting the daughters of the house and even the first one to understand their need for blood and flesh. Yet no one had said the word 'vampire', but it was so obvious, that there was just no need to mention it. Alcina smiled at this answer, but remained silent. However, she was proud that at least her youngest one was able to apologize.

As a guest Melisande insisted that she would help the maidens with the dishes and with cleaning the dining hall. She even made the maids clean the table twice until it was shiny. She herself cleaned the wine glasses and washed the dishes with two other maidens. She was well liked by them, because she was a human with a kind, but determining way to give orders.
Daniela of course noticed that, when she came to the kitchens to look if everything went right. She was surprised to see how organized the maidens worked under the command of Melisande. "Melisande? Mother asked for you.", she said and watched her drying her hands, while calling for another maiden to do her part. Then she followed Daniela through the long, maze-like corridors.
"You found me?", Melisande asked Daniela calmly. Daniela nodded and held a door open for her. "Yes. I found you in the courtyard. Your skin was all blue. It... it was scary.", she admitted and was surprised that talking to Melisande was so easy. "I hope you are not afraid of me, Mistress Daniela." "I'm a bit. It is no normal thing to see a human with deep blue skin. Are you sick or something?" This question Melisande answered with a sad smile.

Melisande knocked at the door in front of her. "Come in.", the Countess called. Her voice was as calm and charming as usual. By opening the door she stepped into the large room, which seemed to be her private chambers. The Countess herself was sitting in front of the large golden mirror, looking in her honey-colored eyes. When the door clicked shut she turned around, observing the blonde woman closely. "I have to apologize, my dear.", she winked her closer, smiling like the attractive woman she was. Carefully she brushed with her hands over her cheeks. Her leather gloves lay in front of the mirror. Her hands were not cold, rather warm in fact, but it was not the warmth of a normal human being. It was different or at least it felt different. Alcina cupped her face with her big hands, being very gentle. "I am so sorry that you had to hear all this. Cassandra was right when she said that I have, technically, no right to say you belong to me, but...", she did not finish the sentence. Instead she played with her golden hair, brushing it softly with her hands. "Do not worry, Madame. To raise children is hard and sometimes you have to get a bit loud, but Mistress Cassandra will soon understand your point and within no time she will be grateful for everything you have done for her, my lady.", her words elicited Alcina a deep, soft laugh. "You sound like you are a mother yourself.", Alcina chuckled and brushed a strand of hair behind Melisande's ear. Again she just smiled sadly as a response.

Alcina let go of her and turned to the mirror again, taking her hat off and handing it to Melisande."Be a dear and bring this to the clothes rack right there." While Melisande was bringing away her head. Alcina began to loosen all her hairpins, she however had trouble finding a few. "Let me help you, my lady.", Melisande said and climbed on a little stool. Alcina watched her movements closely, she definitely knew how to serve a lady. Her movements were quick, but elegant and comforting and she had a good knowledge of hairstyles. How she knew that?

Alcinas style was based on both the century she was born in and the 1920's, which meant: her hair was longer than it seems to be. With a special technique the hair was folded around itself like making an updo. The curls were placed in a way that made the hair look short, but in reality it was much longer. Melisande was not leaving any pins out, because she knew. Alcina never had the courage to actually cut her hair. She knew it would be less effort every morning, but being born in the Victorian age, long hair was a symbol of high status and the longer the hair, the higher your status. As a woman you were not considered beautiful when you had hair that was at least reaching your collarbones. Those times were over and Alina knew that, but she just was not able to leave this old tradition behind.

"I love your hair, my lady.", Melisande said, making Alcina wake up from her thoughts. Her hair was now falling down her back, reaching the upper part of her ribs. "You think so? I do not know how I feel about them.", Alcina admitted, giving Melisande the hairbrush. "It suits you. They are like ravens feathers, dark, shiny, and beautiful.", she carefully brushed the Countesses' hair. "You do not look so strict. It shows your soft side, does it?" "Exactly. And that is why I pin them up."

Melisande braided the hair and prevented it from falling apart with a black ribbon. Alcina could see the smile in Melisande's face through the mirror as she brushed her hair and braided it. When she was done, Alcina turned around looking in her silver eyes. "You are experienced, are you?" "Yes, my lady." The Countess chuckled and cupped Melisande's cheek again. "I have an offer for you. How about you becoming my housekeeper and personal maiden?" Melisande was silent for a moment. She knew that Alcina was not making this offer because of her talents only, but she accepted.

The charming smile on her lips became tempting and alluring. With a seductive voice she whispered into her new maidens ear:" Now darling you belong to me and to me only..."

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