Chapter 11, 1969/ 1970: Blood Bath

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It was a shock. Not only for Melisande who found the Countess seconds after she collapsed, but for her daughters as well. They started crying immediately when they saw her. For the first time in their lives they seemed to be afraid of blood.

When Melisande had entered the room she was crushed by the heavy smell of blood and the guilt she was feeling. She had lifted the Countess and had turned her around, placing her head on her lap. "Open your eyes, please!", she said with a suffocating voice and tears in her eyes as she tried to close the wound with a charm, but nothing seemed to make it stop. "Don't leave me!", it was this scream that made the daughters rush into the room. The first one screaming was Daniela. The other two managed to help her to get their mother in her room which was not far.

She was still bleeding when they laid her in her bed. Melisande was at a loss. She had no idea what to do. In all her years of existence she had never felt so helpless. "Do something!", Cassandra shouted, tears running down her cheeks. "You seem to be a witch, so help her!", Bela said and Daniela was sitting at the edge of the bed, holding her mothers hand, crying. Melisande tried to hold her tears back. "She has lost too much blood already. I doubt I can save her.", she said, which made the other two cry out in grief. They sat down at their mothers bed, leaning onto her side, burying their faces in her dress.

Melisande turned around and looked at the ceiling to stop her tears when she saw the little spider at the corner of the room and suddenly...

"Go away!", she demanded and pulled the young woman away from her mother. "What are you doing!?" Cassandra shouted, but got silent when she saw what Melisande was doing. She ripped the dress to get free access to the wound and then with her hands she seemed to weave a thread with which she carefully filled the wounds. Spider webs were sticky and so was this thread, it kept the wounds closed successfully. No more blood was flowing out of them, but still Melisande had no idea if she was surviving. "Now we have to wait."

Alcina slept more than two weeks. Melisande checked on her multiple times per hour to ensure she was still breathing. Cassandra had the idea to feed her blood to strengthen her and it was working quite well. Every evening and morning one of the daughters fed their mother with blood, purring it into her mouth. Melisande was checking on her mental state and dreams every now and then, but did not manipulate them.
The three daughters grew to like Melisande very much as she became something like a second mother to them while Alcina was unconscious. Even Cassandra accepted her role in the house and was not trying to kill her anymore.

It was a beautiful evening. The new year was barely a few days old when Melisande was in the kitchen to make dinner with the other maidens. They had opened the window so the daughters would not interrupt them, but when Melisande looked up and saw a very, very happy Daniela at the door, she immediately closed it. As soon as it was closed Daniela rushed into the room and hugged Melisande nearly making her fall. "She is awake!", she screamed laughing. A very heavy stone fell from her heart, when she heard those words and even the maidens seemed lightened up. "Come, she wants to see you!", Daniela dragged her towards the door.

"Mother, I bring you Melisande.", she announced when they entered her room. Melisande's heart melted. Bela and Cassandra were sitting on each side of the bed, holding one of their mothers hands. Alcina looked weak and more pale than usual. She had dark marks around her eyes and the gold of her eyes seemed a bit tired. Her face looked sunken and she had lost a bit of weight, but the smile on her face told everyone how happy she was.

When the Countess noticed Melisande her smile became loving. "My savior!" she said, her voice sounding a bit hoarse. Melisande laughed at this statement. Alcina gave each of her children a kiss. "Leave us alone, please." Bela and Cassandra stood up and left the room. Each of them had a very happy smile on their face. When the door was closed Alcina winked Melisande over. "Come to me, darling.", she said and Melisande sat down. "I thought you would die...", she admitted with a sad voice. Immediately the Countess closed her arms around Melisandes body, pulling her into a hug. "I thought so too and I was afraid of it..." Alcina admitted, taking in the smell of Melisande's perfume.

"But why did Miranda stab you?"Melisande asked when they broke the hug. Tears began to form in Alcinas eyes again. She was about to say:" Because of you.",but she did not. She took a deep breath. "She wanted to get rid of me and put something in my tea that somehow activated my inherited blood disease..."Alcina turned her head to the side. Melisande wanted to ask a few more questions, but Alcina placed her index finger on her lips, smiling lightly. "Let's not talk about that. I get headaches just from thinking about it. Do me a favor and prepare everything for me. I want to take a bath."

Of course it was not just a simple bath with water. When Melisande entered the bathhouse the strong smell of old blood greeted her. She holded her nose for a moment. She had to clean this first. Carefully she stepped into the empty pool which had a door in it. Melisande called for five maidens and together they cleaned the whole bath within half an hour. "Well done.", she said and smiled at the girls in front of her. "You can go now and bring me towels for Lady Dimitrescu as well as all the other things she normally uses.", she commanded and they left. "And I will do something against the smell..."

It took Alcina a few tries to stand on her own and when she had to bend down to fit through the door she had to bite her lip because of the pain in her stomach. She took several breaks on her way to the bathhouse, but with the help of her daughter's she did quite well. Melisande greeted her in the bathhouse which now smelled like a flower meadow. It had a very pleasant smell. Although they were vampires, the smell of old blood could be quite displeasing. Alcina was astonished. Her bathhouse was never so clean before. She looked down at Melisande who was asuring Bela and Daniela that she would not need any help from here on. It was so lovely to see her and her children get along that well it made Alcina nearly tearing up again.

Melisande closed the door behind the three sisters, turning to Alcina and pointed at a chair for her to sit on. She had to help her get out of her nightgown as she was still not fully flexible. She closed her eyes out of respect when she was undressed, but she could feel how ashamed Alcina felt when she first saw her wounds. "There is no need to be ashamed.", Melisande said, carefully brushing through the lady's hair, eyes still closed. "Will there be any scars?", she asked. The housekeeper stepped from her stool going around her like she had her eyes open, cupping the face of Alcina and opening her eyes, looking at nothing else, but the honey colored eyes of her Countess. "Yes, but it will not make you ugly and they certainly will not steal any of your grace and dignity. You survived the attack of this, excuse my language, bitch and these scars should not remember you of the betrayal, but the fact that you have won, that you are strong and that not even a disease like hemophilia can turn you down. You are the Countess Alcina Dimitrescu, the mother of three beautiful daughters, a vampire loved and feared by your people. Show your pride. Mother Miranda will pay for this, I promise. And if she dares to take one more step in this castle, I will cut her head off."

After Melisande finished, Alcinas typical dominant smile returned to her lips. She laid her hand on top of Melisande's. "You are right. Thank you, my dear.", she smiled, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead before she stood. Melisande closed her eyes which made Alcina chuckle lightly, her deep, velvety voice filling the room. "As if you do not know how I look, dearest."Of course it was a reference to her dreams, Melisande knew, that opened one of her eyes and looked up at her, a huge grin on her little place face. "I am just being polite."

Carefully Alcina stepped into the pool filled with blood. It was fresh blood, being the perfect temperature for a bath. Alcina hummed lightly as she sat down, taking a deep breath. "How soothing.", she hummed, closing her eyes and placing her arms on the edges of the pool, blood dripping from them. Melisande went around her, a big bowl of warm water in her arms. She kneeled down behind Alcina, opening her hair and brushing it softly with a hair brush, before washing it in the bowl of water. "Thank you." Alcina purred, turning her head slightly to the side. She glanced at her maiden's belly, smiling lightly before turning around again. Melisande did not notice this smile, but when she was done washing the hair of the Countess and brought away the water, she saw how Alcina looked a bit dreamy. "Is everything alright?", she asked, placing the bowl at a counter. "Come here to me.", Alcina said, waving her over. Melisande did so, kneeling to the ground. They were at the same height now. "Closer."Alcina smiled. She bent forward to Alcina, who cupped her face with her hands. This was why Miranda had betrayed her, why she wanted her dead, but Melisande was worth it all. Alcina chuckled to herself, before connecting their lips to a soft kiss.

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