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Reyna ordered Dom, Benny, Brian, Jack and Mia to leave the country as soon as possible before she received a call from Elena telling her that Hobbs was currently in hospital. "Shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places," Elena explains to Reyna as she leads her to Hobbs' room, "He only regained consciousness this morning. The first thing he said was "Get me Roshani". He's in here." They walk into the room to find Hobbs watching tv as Elena handed him some files.

Reyna looked up at Hobbs as she crossed her arms against her chest, "You risk life and limb to save the free world and what do they did you? Jell-O and a bad 79's show." They both looked up at the TV to see Hulk come on screen making the two chuckle. "You know it's got it's perks," Hobbs tells her, "Sponge baths ain't that bad." Reyna rolled her eyes as another voice caught her attention, "Dad!" Reyna looked over to see Jessie and Hobbs' daughter Samantha. "I'm sorry, baby. Honey, I want to introduce you to somebody. She's a, uh... she's an old friend. Go on and say hello," Hobbs formally introduces them.

Reyna smiled at the girl as Sam looked at her, "You're Reyna Roshani, right?" Reyna nodded at her as Sam approached her, "My dad said he kicked your brother's ass once." Reyna laughed as Hobbs told her off for her language before Reyna raised her brows at Hobbs who shrugged. "Your dad's on heavy pain meds," Reyna says making Hobbs chuckle, "I can understand if his history is a little hazy since it was an equal fight till I stepped in." Reyna sighed as she looked at Hobbs remembering how she almost slammed a wrench into his face, Dom really was an influence on the younger girl.

"I doubt it," Sam retorts causing Reyna to smile at the young girl sticking up for her dad. "All right, honey. That's enough," Hobbs scolds the young girl as Reyna winked at her, "I want you to go get something to eat with Elena and Jessie while me and Roshani have a talk. You hear me." Jessie kissed Hobbs' cheek then hugged Reyna before following behind Elena and Sam. "Who did this?" Reyna asks as she turned to Hobbs with a stern look on her face and eyes burning of fury.

Hobbs recognized the determined look in her eyes and knew she wouldn't be backing down from this fight anytime soon. "You remember Owen Shaw?" Hobbs asks her back, "The one we tore half of London down trying to get." Reyna nodded at his words as he continued, "Well, this is big bad brother. Take a look at this." Hobbs hands Reyna the files who takes them before flipping open the page. She took a breath to relax herself as she read the file, "Deckard Shaw."

"British Special Forces assassin," Hobbs explains, "The kind of unique asset that no government would ever admit to employing." Reyna sighed understanding what he was talking about, "Black Ops Boys." She looked up at Hobbs as he corrected her, "Worse. They created a monster." She nodded for him to continue, "They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually they decided he was unnecessary. The powers felt that he knew too much, the asset became a liability. So they sent in twenty elite operatives to retire him."

Reyna sighed, "And they missed." Reyna closed the file and placed it on the bed before sitting down in the chair, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm herself. "That was six years ago and Shaw's been a ghost ever since," Hobbs says in agreement as he watched her closely. "Until now," Reyna says before she looks up at him, "How do I find him?" They made full eye contact, that same burning determination increasing as she learnt more information. "The official answer is, you don't," Hobbs tells her.

Reyna shook her head, "He killed Han. Almost killed my family." Hobbs interrupted her, "He also tried to put me in a body bag too. Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad he's gonna wish his mama had kept her legs closed. But until then, my offical answer to you is stand down." Reyna looked him in the eyes, "You know I can't do that." Hobbs nodded, "I do know you, Reyna. Which is why now I give you the friend to friend answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that son of a bitch, just do me one favour."

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