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Reyna rolled her eyes as she sat in the passenger seat, "You cannot be serious about this?" Dom stayed quiet as Jesse drove, Vince sighed leaning back in his seat as his legs bounced. Reyna had been informed that Vince thought Brian was a cop so they were following him from Harry's. When they caught up to him, they found him sneaking into Hector's garage making Reyna shrug as Dom and Vince headed in leaving Jesse and Reyna to stand watch.

Reyna waited until the three men walked outside, Brian locked eyes with Reyna as she raised her brow. "So, your verdict?" Reyna asked getting no response from Vince or Dom, she shook her head before walking up to Brian. "I'm sorry about them, you understand why-" Brian smiled as he placed a hand on Reyna's shoulder, "Don't worry. They're protecting their family." Reyna smiled back before they all climbed into the car.

Jesse dropped them off at Tran's garage, Reyna followed behind them. Brian helped Reyna over the fence before they climbed up to the roof and snuck inside. "Yo, Dominic. There are no engines," Vince says as the four of them look around the garage. Reyna looked into the empty compartment before turning to Dom, "What are they planning on racing with? Hopes and dreams?" Reyna spoke sarcastically getting a slight smirk from Brian in response.

Dom shook his head before looking at Reyna, "I don't know, but they're sneaky as shit and they've got enough money to buy anything." Reyna nodded as Dom's phone rang, "What?" Jesse had called informing them they had company, Brian grabbed Reyna and dragged her into a hiding place with him. "I got you," Brian whispered into Reyna's ear as he protectively held her close to him causing her to blush slightly.

Vince pulled out a handgun as Tran entered the garage with Ted and his entourage. "Let me ask you a question, Ted?" Johnny asks, Lance held Ted at gunpoint, "Do you see anything wrong here?" Reyna took a quiet breath as Ted answered with a no resulting in Johnny pushing his head into the hole, "We got no engines, do we?" Reyna cringed at the pained expression on Ted's face.

Johnny turned Ted to look at him, "A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium one week before Race Wars, huh?" Ted nodded slightly, "Yeah, probably." Johnny removed his jacket as he spoke, "You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart." Johnny turned to Lance, "What are you feeling, Lance? A 40-weight? A 50-weight?" Lance smirked, "A 40-weight sounds nice." Johnny shrugged casually.

Johnny throws Ted to the ground before holding him down as he pulled a hose over by his mouth. Lance pumped oil through the hose causing it to pour all over Ted's face and in his mouth making Reyna cringe. "Where are they, Ted? Where are they?" Johnny questioned forcefully as Ted tried to avoid the oil and fight Johnny's hold on him. "Enough!" Ted managed to get out, coughing out the oil.

Reyna shook her head slightly at the scene in front of her, she knew Johnny Tran was an asshole but to see this was proof he was worse than she expected. "Where are they?" Johnny asked again, his patience running low. "They're in a warehouse," Ted answered, Johnny and Lance stopped the oil as Ted let out breaths, "They're in a warehouse, man!" Ted sat up slightly spitting the oil from his mouth.

Johnny stepped forward, "Ted. Kiss my shoes?" Ted crawled over to Johnny only to be kicked in the face. "Let's go get our engines," Johnny spoke, a couple of the others dragged Ted out with them. After waiting a few minutes, Vince, Reyna, Dom and Brain snuck out the way they got in. None of them said a word as what they witnessed played through their minds on top of that, Reyna was starting to notice Brian's sudden change in demeanour after being accused of being a cop; she needed to look more into it.


Later that night, Reyna was in the shop working on her baby with music playing softly in the background. "She's a nice car," Brian's voice startled Reyna slightly, she turned around to see him leaning against the car beside her. "She's my baby, I've built her from scrap to this. She's a 1968 Chevy Chevelle SS." Reyna spoke as she wiped the grease from her hands, "I've almost finished her, then I'm gonna race her at Race Wars." She smiled as she stepped closer to Brian.

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