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Reyna followed behind Roman and Brian as they walked into the abandoned building where they had their meetings. "Nice shirt, Bilkins," Brian taunted as Reyna stood next to Rome letting Brian take the lead on things. "It's my day off," Bilkins responded before looking at Reyna with a small reassuring smile, he was one of the reasons why she was doing this. "Yeah. Well, anyhow, this is the deal. Last night, Verone threatened a cop into giving us a window," Brian began explaining causing a shiver down Reyna's back as she remembered the bite marks.

Roman wrapped his arm around Reyna's shoulders causing her to smile up at him before focusing back on the conversation happening. "They're driving to an airstrip, in the keys, off of Nallwood Avenue. Verone has a plane there, and he's taking off for good," Reyna continued for Brian as she explained what they had learned from Monica. Markham looked at Reyna, "Wait a minute. How do you know this?" Reyna sighed as she shrugged, "Monica." Rome nodded as he added his input, "She's doin' her job. She warned us."

Reyna rested her head on Roman's shoulder as Bilkins looked between the three undercover agents, "She warned you about what?" Reyna sighed as she and Brian spared a glance at one another before he turned to Bilkins, "Verone plans to kill us after we give him the money." Bilkins shook his head instantly before turning to Markham, "Driving into an ambush was never part of the deal. I'm calling this off." Reyna smiled faintly but she knew this had to be done, she and the guys already agreed to it no matter the risks.

Markham got defensive as he turned to Bilkins, "Like hell you are. This is a Customs case, Bilkins. No one's calling this off unless I do." He turned to Reyna, Brian and Rome with a stern expression, "Look. This is real simple. You make the run. You get Verone and his cash together so I can move in for the bust. All right? You don't, I will find enough charges on all three of you to make you disappear." Reyna smirked slightly, he wasn't the first cop to threaten her with that.

He handed Roman and Brian a walkie talkie each, "Take these. We're gonna have GPS on you the whole time to make sure you don't get any cute ideas." Reyna rolled her eyes as Bilkins stepped forward, "And to make sure nothing happens to them, right?" Markham couldn't care less, you could see it in his expression as he mumbled, "Yeah, right." Then left the room. Reyna smiled at Bilkins before following behind Roman and Brian as she thought up a plan of escape for all three of them.


The three of them stood by a railing looking out at the water with the cars behind them, Reyna let out a breath as she turned to face her brothers while leaning on the railing. "Let me get this right. If we don't do this, then we go to jail. But if we do it, then Verone's gonna kill us," Rome states matter-of-factly. "It's a hell of a deal, huh?" Brian asks as he looked out at the water as Reyna smiled at them, clearly some plan was about to come into play and she was itching for some fun.

"Yeah, maybe it is," Roman says with a shrug as he looked from the water to Brian and Reyna. "But I know this guy's got an ass full of loot that he's ready to dump in our cars. And I can think of two reasons why Verone doesn't need that money anymore." Reyna chuckled as Brian clasped his hands together, "Ah, here we go." Reyna shook her head as she stood up, Roman smirking in the process. "You and me. Just like the old days with a bonus," Rome says as he winked at Reyna making her chuckle again. "What do you think?" Rome asks smiling.

Reyna wrapped her arms around both of their shoulders, "I think they messed with the wrong trio. That's what I think." Brian and Rome fist bump as Reyna pulled out her phone, dialling Tej's number with a plan in mind. "Hey, Tej," Reyna spoke as she stepped back from the guys, the two smirking at the slight blush on her face as Tej responded, "What's up, beautiful?" She smiled lightly, "Hey, how quickly can you organize?" She smirked up at Rome and Brian, they smiled back catching on to her plan.

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