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A week after Hobbs learns about Leticia Ortiz and Benny Roshani's new lives, he makes a move to find out more before going to the people he knew they'd need. Hobbs pulls up to where several cop cars are gathered, climbing out of the car he is approached by a woman. "Special Agent Hobbs?" She says as he focuses his attention to her rather than the scene. "Riley Hicks," Hobbs says as he takes some files from her, "I read your file. Top of your class at FLETC. Cairo, Tunis. Youngest RFO ever in Afganistan. Hell, if you're half as good as you are on paper, we're going to get along just fine."

Hobbs flicked through the files as he continued, "A Russian military caravan attacked, satellite component stolen. Cars just came out of nowhere. Six hospitalized, a dozen vehicles destroyed.  All that in under ninety seconds, in and out." Hobbs would've been impressed if he didn't know that the Toretto crew could beat that with Reyna calling the shots. "This is world-class," Riley responds snapping Hobbs from his thoughts, maybe they were the ones who did it. "Job this good, there's only one crew in the world who could get this done," Hobbs says before they watch the crane pull a cop car out of the side of a building at least two stories high.

"How the hell did that get up there?" Riley asks as she looks at the car shocked while Hobbs took a moment to think back to when Reyna jumped out of a car that was flung into the ocean. Hobbs had completely lost the crew's trail, it'd gone cold fairly quickly except for the gifts that showed up at his place for him and his daughter from Reyna, which still stunned him as to why she would do it until he remembered how family orientated that woman is. Riley's phone beeps alerting her of some news, "They caught one." Hobbs looks at Riley with a nod, "Where?"



"I got you five minutes with this guy," Riley tells Hobbs as they walk inside. "I only need two," Hobbs says before he walks into the interrogation room, "I want your boss. Where's Shaw?" Hobbs stood tall as he intimidated the man who copied Hobbs' stance in an attempt to look unbreakable, "I ain't telling you shit!" Hobbs smirked slightly, "I was hoping you would say that." Hobbs grabs the man and slings him into the wall. The man goes to hit Hobbs but is blocked instantly causing the man who cower in the slightest, still refusing to stand down.

An officer and Riley stand on the other side of the interrogation room watching through the one-way window. "Is that legal?" The officer asks caysing Riley to smirk, "No." Hobbs slammed the man down on the table as Riley looked at the officer, "But are you going to go in there and tell him?" The officer quickly shook his head as Riley turned back to watch the 'interrogation'. Hobbs picks the man up slamming him against the ceiling before dropping him causing the man to look up at him as he yelled, "I've got rights, you asshole!" Hobbs simply shrugged at the man, "Not today."

Hobbs picked the man up again and threw him against the glass causing it to crack. Hobbs leaves the room before Riley meets him in the hallway, "Well, is he talking?" Hobbs looked at her, "Not anymore." Riley sighed, "That room is bugged Hobbs, so any information you just beat out of him, interpol has now." Hobbs simply shrugged the information off, "Great. Now they can take the morning off. Shaw's in London." Riley nodded, "Let's go pick him up." Hobbs looked at her incredulously, "Woman, you don't just pick up Owen Shaw like he's groceries. If you want to catch wolves, you need wolves. Let's go hunting."



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