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I live my life a quarter-mile at a time.
Nothing else matters.
For those ten seconds or less,
I'm free.


-Dominican Republic-
-One year after Miami-

Reyna climbed out of her car and smiled despite the atmosphere being nothing like Miami, she couldn't help but be happy as she looked over at the club, "Well, if it isn't little Rey." Reyna turned at the sound of the voice making her smile widely, "Hello Leticia Ortiz. I'm assuming this is the place we'd find our dear Dominic Toretto." Letty smiled as she hugged Reyna, "Thank you for calling me and telling me." Reyna grinned as she pulled away, "Of course, Letty." The two of them headed inside the club.

Reyna and Letty walk into the club to find Dominic sitting with his arms around two girls as he kisses one of them making Reyna fake gag as Letty smirked. Dominic looked up at the two girls thoroughly shocked by their arrival even though he was happy to know the two of them were safe and okay. "It ain't hard to track you down. All I have to do is follow the odour of skanks," Letty says as her smirk never fades though Reyna couldn't help but smile.

"Letty, life has a way of changing plans," Dom says as he leans towards her removing his arms from the girls who Reyna was now glaring at. "You hear this one?" Letty asks Reyna in Spanish before she tossed her bag at Dom, "Change of plans. Where do we sleep?" Letty sat down as she glared at Dom, Reyna crossing her arms as Dom looked between the two girls, "Excuse me, ladies." Dom stood up and walked over to Letty with a smile on his face causing her to drop her glare.

Reyna turned to the girls still sitting there before speaking Spanish, "Get lost." The two girls got up and left making Reyna smile before sitting down. "That's right. All the way from Mexico," Letty tells him with a smirk before he kissed her making Reyna look away as she began to miss someone. Letty wiped her mouth after the kiss, "I don't want their saliva." Reyna laughed as Dominic looked at her, "All the way from Miami personally. Considering I'm free compared to you." She smirked as Letty and Dominic stood up.

Reyna followed behind the couple outside as she told Dominic about her working a job with Brian. Despite how annoyed Dom was about me working with Brian, he was glad I was free and that Brian looked out for me. Dominic was also glad to hear that Brian was alright. Reyna got in her car and headed towards the place she had rented out leaving the couple to catch up with each other, she didn't want to intrude on them nor did she want to be reminded of what she had left behind.


-Three Years Later-

"Alright, we're good to go!" Reyna says over the walkie as she drove along the empty barren road, one single truck in the distance. "You got this?" Dom asks Letty as he turns to her from the passenger seat. "You bet your ass, bubba," Letty answers before she and Dom share a kiss, "Let's make some money!" Letty climbs out of the window before climbing on to the hood of the car. "Everyone in position," Reyna says into the walkie as she gets closer to the truck.

"I thought we'd be robbing banks by now, not some gas truck in the middle of nowhere," Han says over the walkie causing Dom and Reyna to look at each other with a smile. "Down here gas is gold, Bubba," Letty responds through her headset with a wide smile, Reyna agreed with her since majority of the money went to the people of the community. "Yeah, but banks don't move," Tego says in Spanish making Dom laugh as Reyna shook her head lifting the walkie, "Not with that attitude, Tego. Now, kill the chatter. Game time."

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