𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹 ❤︎

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⚠️Warning; blood and death.⚠️

You were S.H.I.E.L.D.S newest agent, though you adjusted to the rules very easily. You could probably go as far as saying that you were easily in the top five of best agents.

It took some time for most agents to warm up to you, but after they did, they saw you as the light and humour of the compound.

Almost making some wonder how a person like you, could end up in a facility like S.H.I.E.L.D. Always cracking jokes, and making people laugh at the worst of times.

You found everyone to be humble, but you were especially glued on to Maria. Maybe it was her smile; rare and beautiful. Maybe it was her crystal like eyes, or her personality on its own.

Either way, everyone knew you liked Maria. Heck, she probably even knew you liked her. But the fact that she didn't ever try make a move, would sometimes make you question if she returned the feelings.

At four o'clock, you were called into Fury's office. Already knowing why, gave you goosebumps. You were ready for your first mission.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." Some would say, and although it would boost your confidence, you still had doubts.

"Ah. Agent L/N. The last time I saw you, was two weeks ago, during your arrival." Fury pointed out. You nodded, professionally.

"Your first mission is simple. I know your specialty is weaponry and stealth, so I made it easier for you." He grabbed some files on his desk before reading them out to you.

"You are to inspect a base. Find something useful. Then bring it back. Take your rifle, shoot down the cameras, sneak in and sneak out. Simple?" He explained, then looking you dead in the eye.

"Simple." You replied.

Hours passed, and it was time for your mission. You prepared your weapons; rifle on your back, pistol on your hip, pocket knife in your pocket and grenades around your waist.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine." Maria assured you, hand on your shoulder. You couldn't help but roll your eyes.

"Yeah, never heard that one before.." You mumbled.

"If it makes you feel any better, if don't do well on the mission, at least you.. tried?" She blurted, trying to lighten the mood.

"Gee, thanks."

Maria rolled her eyes. "I tried. Optimism isn't my thing." She defended.

"And plus, I'll be in your ear piece guiding you on." She added.


"Hey, Maria."


"If I do well on the mission, you gotta give me a kiss. Deal?" You betted. She stood still, wide eyed before slowly nodding.

"And if you don't?"

"Have a little faith, Maria." You joked, dodging the question. You kissed her on the cheek, before rushing off to the quinjet.

And even though that peck was probably the most platonic thing ever, Maria couldn't help but blush.

After a very boring quinjet ride, you arrived at the base. Presumably a Hydra base, due to the recognisable logo. You kept your distance at first, scouting out for cameras.

Once you shot them down, you made your way towards it. You'd be lying if you said the mission wasn't easy. The base was pretty much abandoned.

"Will you even be able to see in there?" Maria asked in the coms. You chuckled lightly.

"That ma'am, is why I have powers that can produce-"

"Oh look, there's a light switch on your left."



"Yeah, whatever. I would've found it anyways." You lied, making Maria laugh in the coms. You flicked on the switch.

"Holy shit! Look at all those computers, there's bound to be a life time supply of information on those!" You exclaimed, rushing over to start up one of the many.

"At least scout the area and make sure no agents are trying to sneak up on you." Maria scolded. You rolled your eyes, before looking around.

"See? Empty. You're just being paranoid, love." You joked, pushing in the USB into the slot. "But it's nice to know you care about me." You added. You could already feel Maria rolling her eyes at you.

About ten minutes later, you had installed the information off of all the computers, and decided to make your way out, before you heard a gunshot and looked down to you stomach only to see red.

"Shit.." You muttered, rolling over to cover.

"Y/N? I heard a gun shot. You're okay, right..?" Maria asked, panicky.

You didn't respond, due to the pain in your stomach. You just gritted your teeth, pulling a grenade off of your hip.

"Y/N, do you copy?" Maria repeated into the coms.

"Yes, Maria I copy. I'm shot, but I can still fight the agents off."

"No. Y/N, listen to me. Retreat. Get out of there right now." Maria ordered.

"Hmph. Fine. I at least want to look bad ass doing it." You told her, before pulling out the grenade pin with your teeth, and throwing it behind your back.

"Nighty night!" You peaked your head out to the agents, waving at them, before the grenade exploded.

You sprinted towards the closing exit, as it got lower and lower. You slid under the gate just as it was about to shut.

"Now that's an exit." You joked, entering the quinjet. You were prepared for the lecture of your life from Maria, as well as that kiss she promised you, when you returned.

But for now? You chose to sleep, laying on the quinjet seats, as some medics dealt with your bullet wounds.

A/N: Part two? Let me know :)

𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 ❤︎Where stories live. Discover now