Heavy Lies the Crown 44.

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I gasped. My throat had been slashed. I gasped for air. A face appeared above me. Wet blood dripped down my neck. I reached up.

"P...Please" I begged the flamekeeper. He just deadpanned. I grabbed his neck. He raised up his knife. It stabbed me in the heart. Everything faded away.

I shot up. I grabbed my throat. There wasn't any blood. There was nothing. I could breathe. I sighed out a shaky breath.

"Doesn't feel so nice does it?" Somone said. I looked over. It was Sheidheda.

"What the hell was that?" I asked through breaths. There were tears in my eyelids.

"That is how I died Messheda." He said.

"I felt like I trusted him. The flamekeeper" I said moving my feet to hang off of the bed.

"I did. He was my fourth" He said looking at me. He looked at my hands."Do you know why I chose the chains?" he asked. I swallowed and shook my head. He twirled a chess piece in his hand. "Because they represent the hold you can have on everyone." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "You want peace. I respect that... But here everyone is just a pawn looking for their queen" He said. I stared at him. "You are that queen, Messheda." He said.

"Stop calling me that," I said. He turned around fully and stared at me.

"It's your name isn't it?" He said.

"Xania?" Someone called. I turned to the door. "You okay?" Raven asked. I nodded. "You sure?" She asked. I nodded again. "Your eyebags look a lot baggier than yesterday," She said. I laughed. I grabbed a shirt and pulled it over my head. "Do some body mods while everyone was trying to save the world?" She asked. I looked down at where her eyes led. There was a large sun spread across my chest. I laughed.

"Yeah..." I said. She nodded.

"come on. I need you in engineering" She said. I nodded and stood up. I grabbed the cane and walked out of the room.

"I'm only happy when it rains" The recorder sang as I entered the engineering room. "nice to see you back," I said to Raven. She smiled at me. It was raining outside. I could hear the pitter patter of it on the tin roof. Clarke entered quietly. She smiled at me and hugged me. I laughed slightly at the sudden impact. I looked over at Raven's desk.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked walking toward her desk and away from Clarke's embrace. She nodded. "You're planning on patching up the ship to use it against the radiation?" I said.

"One hell of a guess," Raven said. Clarke touched my neck. I turned and grabbed her hand. She stared at me. I swallowed.

"Are you okay?" Clarke asked. Everything started blurring. "Yeah, yeah. Fine" I said letting go of her hand. I turned back to the desk. I blinked heavily.

"Xania?" Clarke asked. I stumbled.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." I said as Clarke grabbed me.

"Xania you're freezing," She said. I noticed my breath in the air. "Get her to medbay. Now." Clarke said. Raven grabbed me. My teeth started chattering.

"Maybe I do need to go to medbay," I said.

I had blankets wrapped around me. Clarke was trying to get her mom on the radio. I was shivering on a bed.

"Abby come in. This is Clarke" Clarke tried again.

"Clarke?" Abby said. I looked at the radio.

"Mom, something wrong with Xania," Clarke said.

"What is it?" I heard Marcus say.

"She's freezing. Her temperature is 92." She said.

"That's below Hypothermia," Abby said. The radio was static because of the storm.

"Has she been outside at all?" Abby asked.

"No. She's been asleep all day." Clarke said.

"All day?" Marcus asked.

"Clarke..." I said. She looked at me.

"Please, Mom. I can't lose her again" Clarke said. I let out a shaky breath.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked through chattering teeth.

"Your body's core temperature has dropped causing hypothermia. It's from all the other brains in your head. Without the flame, your body is left to take on all of these bodies..." Charmaine said from beside me.

"It's nice to see you stopped by for a visit," I said to her. She smiled.

"You'll have to make something to replace the Flame," Becca said from beside Charmaine.

"Mom... She's hallucinating" Clarke said. I ignored her.

"You have to tell them. At least Raven. She's smart enough to help you make this substitute device." Becca said. I looked at Clarke.

"Your body is just going to keep rapidly declining until you're on the brink of death and as you know you won't die," Charmaine continued. I continued staring at Clarke.

"She's already taking care of everyone else," I said. Clarke looked at me with sad eyes. "I don't want to make her worry," I said looking at Becca.

"Your health is more important to her than seeing the commanders," Becca said. I looked back at Clarke. I grabbed the radio.

"I... I can see the commanders. I need your help" I said. She stared at me.

"Clarke? Xania?" I heard Abby say.

"Please. Just take me to Raven. I can fix this" I said. She sighed. I held up my ring. "Please," I said. She sighed.

"She's okay. We'll be fine. Just... worry about Roan." Clarke said. She put the radio down. She helped me up.

"What's your plan?" She asked.

"How do you even know it will work?" Raven asked.

"It's Becca certified," I said. She stared at me. "All you have to do is make sure I'm doing it right." I said. She sighed.

"What's Becca saying right now?" She asked. I looked at Becca. She smiled.

"She is very smart. She reminds me of myself" Becca said. I looked at Raven.

"You remind her of herself" I said. She sighed.

"Where do we start?" She asked. I smiled.

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