It Doesn't Make Any Sense!

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I woke up to the sound of crashing and clanging in my kitchen. I groaned and rolled over, shoving my face into my mascara stained pillow. I know that everyone is still here, but I'm not getting up. Also, Andy's 'friend' is here too, and I don't think I can face her.

About half an hour later, Sammi came and knocked in my door. I asked her to leave but she came and sat on my bed anyway. "Everyone is wondering where you are." She said sweetly. I rolled over to face her, she gasped. "Lyra, what happened? Are you okay?" I sighed and shook my head. "It doesn't make any sense." I whispered. Sammi tilted her head in confusion. I sighed again, knowing I'd have to explain last nights events to her. "After you went to bed last night I stayed up to watch re-runs of Red Dwarf, but then a drunk Andy burst through my door. Only, it wasn't just him, he was sucking face with some blonde bimbo. I felt hurt and jealous, almost. But I don't even like him, like that. It just really bothered me for some reason and I'm so confused." I groaned and shoved my head into my pillow again. She put a hand on my back soothingly, which caused me to look up at her. She was smiling sympathetically at me. "Honey, you can't hide away from this. He's one of your friends. You're just going to have to act like it doesn't bother you, and hopefully you'll find out why it bothers you." She said with a knowing smile, almost as though she knew something I didn't. I smiled and thanked her, as I got up to face the day. She stopped me, and gave me a hug before she left to join the others.

After I'd showered, I pulled on my leather effect leggings and a long Iron Maiden shirt. I blow dried my hair, put makeup on all the usual stuff, before heading downstairs. "Morning." I said groggily as I arrived in the kitchen. I got several similar replies from the others. I poured myself a large mug of coffee and sat on the breakfast bar. "How was your guys' night at the bar?" I asked. Ashley grinned. "It was great thanks, but I think I got slapped in the face..." He said, rubbing the side if his face. I tried to hold in the laugh that was about to escape but I couldn't. I was in stitches. Ashley's face twisted in confusion. "That was me," I gasped in between laughs. "I slapped you!" The entire group of us in the kitchen burst out into fits of giggles at the look on Ashley's face. He looked both shocked and angry. "What!? Why!?" He demanded.

"You kept trying it on with me when I was showing you to your room, you tried to snog me! That's why I slapped you!" I giggled. CC actually choked on his Pepsi and everyone laughed harder. "I'm sorry, but do not regret it at all." he said with a cheeky wink. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, typical Ashley.

The five of us sat and talked for a while, but then the blonde from last night just strolls into my kitchen and heads straight to the fridge. Everyone went silent and I coughed, to get her attention. She whipped around faster than you could say 'January Sales'. Her eyes widened at the sight of the fiver other people in the kitchen. "Hey, Uh I didn't realise there were other people here!" The mystery girl said.

"Well, it is my house after all." I replied, coldly. Which I instantly regretted, when I realised who she was. It was Georgia. As in Georgia from high school. I don't think she really recognised me because of her hangover. "Oh!" Georgia giggled. And skipped back to Andy I assume. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I faintly heard her say something along the lines of: 'Andy, baby, I have to leave.' I drowned out the rest. I heard the door open and close, and Andy walk into the kitchen. He yawned and grabbed a coffee. "Morning, guys." He chirped. Everyone said the same, but me. He didn't notice though did he? Of course not. I looked up at him, he was smiling, he was blatantly happy because of Georgia. "What's the plan then?" CC asked.

"Me and Jinxxy are going home in a bit." Sammi said, looking fondly up and her fiancé.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head back too" Ashley chimed in.

"Same here. Andy said cheerily. "What're you up to Ly?" CC asked. I groaned. "I need to see Scarlet and Nate, we'll probably so get coffee. What about you C?"

"I don't know." he shrugged.

"Do you want to come get Coffee with us?" I suggested. He smiled wide.

"Sounds awesome! Can I take a shower? I've got spare clothes in my car."

"Sure thing dude!" I chuckled. As awful as I feel, CC can always make me smile.

Everyone said their good byes and CC fetched his stuff from the car. I can't wait to sit down with three of my best friends and get this all out of my system.


Please; rate, comment, fan, tell your friends. It would mean a lot. I'd like to know if anyone's actually reading this. Cheers! ~ZK

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