♣ Day 25 - Best Anime Villain ♣

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Day 25 - Best Anime Villain

Light Yagami

Bah, definitely one of the best anime villains of all time. I mean, it's freaking Death Note we're talking about.

Mainly why Death Note is one of my favorite series of all time―because in this rarity, we're shown the mind of a bored high school student becoming a serial killer with his newfound Death Note and his twisted sense of "justice." I mean, is he really a new "god" in this world? All he's doing is killing off bad guys and people who get in his way.

But still, he's a cool psychopath, at least cx His intelligence even put the National Police Agency of Japan into a frenzy, and that's a lot saying for a high school student. Throughout the anime, I found myself both rooting for Light and L.

So, yeah, an anime where the protagonist is the villain >:3

Also I've attached a YouTube video with Kira's laughs in different language dubs of the anime. Trust me, it gets funnier as it goes xD

Ciel Phantomhive

This one's more debatable, but Ciel, to me, is definitely a villain in my eyes. That's what makes Kuroshitsuji so amazing :D

He's ruthless, full of hate and revenge, and determined to get rid of anyone who harms the Queen―even kill.

That's why he goes as far to sign a contract with a demon. He's a cute villain at age 12 cx

His devotion to Queen is scary, yet perplexing and interesting. So that's why I love Ciel~ :3

Lyon Vastia

Yes, I know full well Lyon is no longer a bad guy, but still, he was an amazing antagonist to the Galuna Island Arc. So I'm gonna include him :3

At first, when we're introduced to Lyon, we're given the impression he's crazy and ambitious, as his allies. I mean, why revive Deliora that Ur sacrificed her life to? But as we delve deeper into both his and Gray's backstories, you really start to understand his motives. His followers felt as if the "Cold Emperor" could bring justice to their family's deaths.

I like how he was born as a villain who had a solid reason to act like that, not just "because I'm evil." You can tell when a villain is good enough that you can sympathize with them, and that's how I feel with Lyon.

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