♣ Day 6 - Most Annoying Anime Character ♣

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Day 6 - Most Annoying Anime Character

Most annoying, huh? Well this is hard, since practically all anime characters are perfect and amazing.


Akito Sohma


I hate this woman with a burning passion. I don't give a damn about her past, alright?! This little bitch has no right to BREAK HATORI'S EYE AND FORCE HIM TO ERASE HIS LOVE'S MEMORIES EHHRHFHFJH

I could make a college essay on how annoying this little dickhead is.

Yeah I know about her "tragic past" but seriously?!!? She way too easily forgiven, especially at the end of the manga.

*abuses Momiji*

*hits Tohru*

*isolates and shames Kyo*


*ruins Hatori's eye and forces him to wipe the memories of his true love*


"oh no akito-san I still love you" -literally everyone

*whispers with such frustration i whimper in the corner* no.


Rod Reiss

It's kinda funny that people find him less annoying than Historia.


The dude's been absent in the girl's life forever and sends her off to the Survey Corps intent on killing her, and reappears like five years later like

"Yooooo whaddup *emotionally manipulates the shit out of her* still friends? ;)"

um NO.

You don't fucking do that, bro.

Besides being a poor father and lying to her for her whole life, he's generally a dickhead. He isolated her in a freaking farm, never told her why she couldn't leave the farm, and pretty much just appears out of nowhere expecting her "to be the savior of humanity" or some shit like that.

And when she finally breaks out of her trance and remembers Ymir, she slaps Eren (hell yeah) and then finally beats the shit out of the asshole, he decides to fucking do it himself and transform himself into a titan like the egoistical, crazy, selfish bastard he is.

And we have to wait a whole month. Again.

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