♣ Day 10 - Favorite Female Character ♣

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Day 10 - Favorite Female Character


Ah, yes! Mysterious, no last name nor past, rude, mischievous, titan shifter Ymir from outside the walls. 

I bet you were expecting Hanji or Mikasa, hm? Well, I do love those two, but Ymir holds a special place in my heart.

She's strong, and capable, like Hanji and Mikasa, but she also protects and loves Historia, not just because of her family, but because she wants to. She saved the 104th Trainee soldiers in Castle Utgard from being eaten by titans.

Not only that, but she encourages people to live life how they want to. This can be seen when she says Sasha can speak with her accent, and other's people opinions don't matter, since she's embarrassed by it. Also, she speaks to Historia:"You are you, and there's nothing wrong with that. Live your life with pride in your heart."

She's a great example of the plethora of themes in SnK, and I love her for that.

Akane Tsunemori 

It's obvious since she's the main protagonist of Psycho Pass, but nevertheless she's a great one and one of my favorites.

She isn't selfish, in fact very generous. Her lack of arrogance makes her likable, and she's nowhere near a Mary Sue. Akane is reliable, and kind too, and you can see that in the very first episode when she defends the woman who's Psycho Pass that's even higher than her attacker. She's willing to paralyze Shinya to protect this woman she doesn't even know.

She also makes friends with Shusei in the process of her career, even though he's looked down upon because he's an Enforcer. Akane just doesn't do this for the sake of being polite to her co-workers, because she wants to, and she's a genuine person.

Also, she's very inspiring, especially when you hear her say,"The law doesn't protect people, people protect the law."

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