Chapter 33

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Sorry for taking so long.

Kieran finally found out why Olivia hates so he went to a bar and got drunk. An unknown person took him to the unknowns house and drugged Kieran. Nia received a video from an unknown person.

Song: Helium by Sia
Xenia POV

"Hayden can I please have Chantel's home address" I say to the phone. Its 07:15am now. I tried sleeping but sleep would not come so I took a shower, drank coffee and waited for the sun to rise. My eyes just refused to believe that video.

"Why do you want her address?" Hayden asked. I'm sure he is confused because he knows I hate that girl with passion.

"Just give it to me Hayden" I snapped. Patience was not on my side at the moment.

"Woah" he said surprised and I mumbled a sorry. "I'll just come and collect you then we can go there together okay" he suggested.

"Fine" I grunted then hanged up the phone. And plus I don't have a car so Hayden was really helping me out. 20 minutes later Hayden arrived at my house and I wasted no time and got in then we drove off.

"You look pissed off" Hayden said trying to start a conversation, but I was angry and confused at the moment so talking was out of the question. He cleared his throat. "So what happened" doesn't he get the idea that I don't want to talk.

"Can you drive faster" I said without looking on him and he sighed then drove faster. We arrived at a white double story house with a beautiful garden. I wasted no time and left the car then knocked on the door aggressively.

"Open the fucking door. Open up Chantel, I know your in there!" I knocked none stop. "I said open-" I stopped knocking when Mr Baxter, the headmaster from school opened the door wearing a gown. It clearly shows that he just woke up.

"Ms Carter" he said shocked. But I didn't care I just walked passed him and went upstairs. I opened all the doors aggressively, they all met the wall with a loud bang. I think I heard Mr Baxter calling out to me but I was focused on one thing. I went to the last door in the hallway and opened it.

I felt like life was sucked out of my body

No. This can't be happening. Time stopped as my heart stopped too.

Kieran and Chantel sleeping in the same bed together. "What the fuck!" Chantel exclaimed and pulled the sheets to cover up her top part. She smirked.

I felt tears tinging my eyes. The scattered clothes on the floor indicated that they were naked underneath those sheets. Kieran woke up while groaning and holding his head. He sat up, still oblivious to the fact that I just caught him cheating. The sheets fell down and exposed his chest. His chest was filled with hickeys, including his neck.


I felt my legs wanting to give up, I wanted to cry, but I stopped myself. I didn't want to cry in front of Chantel, it will just show her that she won.

I left the room and went down stairs, on my way down I saw Mr Baxter, he looked at me with pity. I heard Kieran calling my name but I didn't stop. I went out the house and into Hayden's car.

The tears started to fall and I couldn't stop them. "Nia what happened?" Hayden asked. How can I have been so stupid. I trusted him, I shared my life with him, I told him my secrets only for him to betray me. We even made love, was it love or was it just plain sex. I feel like a fool.

Chantel warned me but I didn't listen. I specifically remember her words: "darling don't think you are special. Kieran is going to sleep with you than throw you out like trash. Even though he is sleeping with you know, he will come back running to me."

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