Chapter 24

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I'm very aware that some people don't know how to pronounce my last name. Some people asked me how Kieran is pronounced so here it is.

Xenia POV

I don't remember what happened after we landed because all I know is that I woke up in my room when my alarm went off. I was still so tired from the weekend so getting up was a challenge. I would skip school today but I already did on Friday so if I skip now I'll just lose more work.

I slowly got up from my bed and went to get ready. I walked down the stairs and went to make breakfast for myself after getting ready. I made the simplest thing I could find which was coco pops. You can never go wrong with coco pops.

Xander came down the stairs ready to go to work. "Wow you look-" I gave him a warning glare and he just shut up and went to the coffee machine and started making his coffee.

"So how was your weekend?" he asked and took a seat next to me with his coffee in his hands. "It was Amazing" I replied tiredly. "So what did you do?" he asked and I got up and went to put my dish in the sink and took my bag. "I'll tell you when I get home right now I want to go to that hell hole you call a school then come back and finish my nap" he smiled then went to put his coffee mug in the sink and took his belongings then drove me to school.


"I'm so ready to go home" I said after entering Kieran's car. "Same here" Kieran said and started his car. School was horibble I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes. Everyone was tired but Abby was full of energy like nobody's business. She was the only one who didn't have eye bags.

"I would love to take you out on a date tonight" Kieran said without looking at me since he was driving. "Are you asking or telling" I asked tiredly. Right now I couldn't even keep my eyes open. "Okay let me rephrase that. Can I please take you out on a date tonight?" Come to think of it me and Kieran never went on our first date. we just became boyfriend and girlfriend. "Sure, what time?"

"19:30" he said and pulled up at my drive way. I didn't want to go to the Thompson mansion today, because I'm tired and I know everyone will be asleep from the long weekend we had. "Okay see you later" I said then gave him a peck on the lips then entered my house and tossed myself on the couch, finally giving in to sleep.


I felt something vibrating on my back pocket and I reached for it. I rubbed my eyes so I could see who was calling. Kieran was calling and I answered

Calls between Kieran and Xenia

Xenia: hello

Kieran: hi. I'm already outside

Xenia:why are you outside
I asked confused. Am I forgetting something?

Kieran: for our date

Xenia: what da..... Ohhh I'll be out in ten.
Shit I didn't set an alarm. It was already 19:31.

Kieran: you didn't forget, did you?

I got up  from the couch and started running to my room to get ready. I think I saw Xander on my way up but I didn't bother going back. I'm late for my date, hey that rhymed.

Xenia: what, no, never. I'm just doing my makeup bye.

Worst excuse ever. Doing my makeup oh please I don't even own any. When I got to my room I took of my clothes and ran to take a quick shower. 2 minutes I was out and I found some jeans and a white shirt then pulled on my converse. I didn't even bother with my hair and I took my handbag and phone then ran downstairs.

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