chapter 18

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Xenia POV

He just stood there in place with his back turned to me. I shouldn't have said that. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me. What if he rejects me. He started walking towards me with no emotion in his face. "You know what, just forget I said anything" I walked away but this time I was walking in the direction of the cafeteria. I knew he was going to reject me. I felt my heart drop when he wasn't even following me.

I heard steps coming towards me and I stopped, thinking that he changed his mind. "Nia I-"

"No it's fine Kieran I understand if you don't feel the same way I do about you" he tried to speak again but I cut him off again. "You don't have to-" I was cut off when he crashed his sweet soft lips into mine. I was in a state of shock and I could not move. This is the second time he is kissing me and its the second time I'm not reacting. What the fuck is wrong with me. He pulled away from me and said "I like you to" I smiled then I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer and then I kissed him. I don't know if I was doing okay or bad because this is the first time I'm kissing someone. I've never had a boyfriend before. I'm guessing the bell rang because the hallways were empty.

I pulled away from the kiss and blushed. "I...I h-have to go to class" without waiting to hear him respond I ran away from him and went straight to the ladies room. When I got in I checked to see if the toilets were empty and when I found out that they were I started jumping up and down making wired noises. Right now I'm acting like a teenager in love or in other words a lovestruck puppy.

My phone started ringing and I answered it

Calls between Abby and Xenia

Abby: where are you.

Abby whispered. I'm guessing she is in class.

Xenia: I'm in the ladies room. Why?

Abby: you are needed at the head office

Xenia: why? What happened

Abby: Chantel happened. She says you attacked her so the head master wants to hear your side of the story.

Xenia: ugh. Fine I'm coming.

I hanged up the phone and groaned. Why did Chantel have to ruin my happy moment. Here I am celebrating my kiss with Kieran and then the bitch comes to ruin my happiness.

I went out the ladies room and walked to the headmasters office. When I got there I saw Isa,Leni,London,Hayden and Layla sitting in a row of chairs. A man wearing a suite and looked like he was in his mid 50s came out of an office. "Right this way Ms Carter" he lead me to his office and in there I met the bitch called Chantel. "Please take a seat" the headmaster said and I took my seat. He also took his seat then he rested his elbows on the table then intertwined his fingers.

"So Ms Braxton tells me you attacked her and she has evidence that you did it" I looked at him with my eyes wide and my jaw on the floor. "I'm sorry sir but she is the one who-"

"I'm not done talking Ms Carter" I leaned back and the chair and at the corner of my eye I saw the bitch that is next to me smirking. "So why would you attack miss Braxton for no reason?"

"Sir I never attacked her" I defended myself. "So you are telling me that she gave herself a broken nose"

"No sir I agree that that was my fault but it was only self defense. She is the one who attacked me first." He nodded his head and said "so where is the proof that she hurt you"

"Sir she slapped me and you can ask everyone that was in the cafeteria" he nodded his head again and said "okay let's drop the topic of who attacked who and let's focus on what caused this fight."

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