Chapter 30

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Nia's dress above

Sorry for the late update guys. Last weekend I was sick so I went to get tested for covid and I came back positive. Even though I'm stuck in my room, I still can't type that much because the pills I drink make me sleepy but imma try to update twice a week.

Xenia POV

"Kieran this is too much. I can't wear this" I complain, while looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. Right now Kieran and I are in his room and he forced me to wear the kinky lingerie that Layla bought for me, and since I agreed to do anything he wants, as Part of the deal, I have no choice.

"And you know what? I have something that goes with that outfit" I hear shuffling from the other side of the door. Kieran was about to open the door "noooo!" I quickly ran and closed it, he chuckled.

"I just want to give you this dress, and plus I've seen you naked, in different places and in different positions" he said. "You are lucky the outfit is covering at least and inch of your body. I've seen it all, so open the door" I can literally feel his smirk but he does have a point though.

I slowly backed away from the door and he peaked his head in then got in completely and closed the door behind him, while I just stood there looking at my feet. Wow my toes are not symmetrical.

"You look hot" he said with a hoarse voice. His hands touched my bare waist and that made me shiver. I turned my head up, to look at him. His left hand held My chin and he brought his lips to mine. My hands went around his neck and I brought our bodies closer.

He removed his lips from mine and smirked. "But don't worry you won't be wearing it tonight. I want to have easier access and that will just complicate stuff "he said and went to the door and took a red dress that he hanged on the door knob.

"So why did you make me wear this?" I asked slightly annoyed. Do you know how long it took me to figure out how to get into this thing?

"I just wanted to see you in it" he said. Once he took the dress from the door knob he held it up, for me to see. "No. No Kieran I'm not wearing that. You know I hate dresses"

"What's there to hate about dresses" he asked. "They always give easier access" I told him. "I will be with you all the way babe. I promise that I won't leave your side, even if I want to go to the bathroom I'll go with you and you will watch me pee" he said and I laughed. He always has a way of making me laugh even if I don't want to.

"Fine" I sighed and took the dress from him. "What about my underwear?" I asked him. "There is no underwear for tonight. You are going commando" when he said those words I literally choked on my spits. "Remember, you agreed to the deal. No one forced you" he said and left the bathroom.


I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from agreeing to that stupid bet. After ten minutes I finally freed myself from the lingerie. I put the red shiny dress on and went to look at myself in the mirror.

It actually looks nice. It hugs my body so well, even though I don't have that hour glass figure but its really brings out my body shape. But the high slit is the problem for me.

"Kieran it nice, but can I just have a different one?" If I wear underwear it will be visible for everyone to see so that is a no no. "The answer is no. Come out. We have to be down stairs in thirty minutes" he said. I went out the bathroom and found Kieran wearing a black tux. What's with this guy and black.

"The dress looks perfect. Here are your shoes" he handed me red hills. "Kieran I don't know how to walk in these" I said, holding up the hills. "Come on, it can't be that hard"

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