chapter 12

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Xenia POV

"You know my brother has a soft spot for you" Layla says after tossing herself on her bed next to me and laying on her back. Her voice is still hoarse which is a bit funny. She borrowed me her leggings and oversized shirt. She said I can keep the cloths I wore to the club because she can easily replace them. "Why do you say that?" She sighs then says "you went through his stuff and he forgave you on the same day, you are lucky I'm telling you. When Kieran got here he was a mess. He was so closed of and jumpy. He would have nightmares almost everyday. He wouldn't allow anyone to come into his room. No one knows what happened to him except for mom and she cannot tell us because of the patient and privacy thing" I look at her and ask "what do you mean patient privacy thing was Kieran hurt or something?" she looked at me and said "yes he was hurt but not physically, he was hurt emotionally. My mother was his therapist at the orphanage. I don't know why he adopted him, not that I hate him or anything I love him like my own flesh and blood. My mom said that he is special so we should just give him time and maybe he will be comfortable enough to tell us what happened but three years later he still hasn't told us what happened. One day I went into his room without him knowing and I saw his wonderful artworks. I didn't know he could draw or sketch and I think no one knew either. He busted me and didn't speak to me for a whole month. You know when I went through his artworks I saw how lonely and dark they are. None of them have color and I don't know if you have noticed but all his clothes are dark. All I'm trying to say is just give him time. Soooo anyway enough about feelings and all that type of bullshit I'm hungry come on" without even waiting for me to reply she leaves the room.

"Wow this food is amazing" I say while stuffing my mouth with food. "You should thank chef Kieran" Hayden says. I look at Kieran who is by my side. We are sitting at a eight seated table with Hayden and Kieran sitting at the heads, the twins sitting together facing Abby and Isa, Layla sitting next to London and I am sitting next to Abby and facing Layla.

"Guys Nia should never drink again" Hayden says. "Why do you say that?" Abby asks. "Well she came up to me yesterday and asked me to fuck her" I look at him in shock and everyone starts laughing while I'm blushing from embarrassment. "She told me that when you shake milk it makes milkshake" Kieran says while laughing. What I said that wow. That does not sound like me. "Has anyone seen my clothes" a girl standing at the door asks and let me tell you she is not wearing a bra and her breast are on full display but at least she is wearing some panties. "Oh my God" I scream and cover my eyes and everyone starts laughing at my reaction. "Oh don't be such a drama queen everyone in this table has seen breasts and for a matter of a fact you own them" Layla says. I don't know if she is serious or just making fun of me. "No Bianca no one has seen you clothes" Leni says in a bored tone. "My name is not Bianca its Diana" she says and you can tell by her voice that she is completely annoyed. "Can you please cover up or something" I scream with my eyed still closed.

"I hear someone getting up then After a while came to sit back down again. "You can look now Nia" Leni says and I open one eye to see the girl wrapped in a towel and relief washes over me then I open my other eye as well. "So how much?" Leni says and takes out his wallet. "I'm not a fucking prostitute Leni" the girl says, clearly annoyed by how Leni is treating her and she leaves then we hear the door open and is slammed hard creating a loud noise. "Why did you do that Leni?" I don't like the girl but how Leni treated her was not nice. He shrugged his shoulders then answered "if she is not a prostitute she's a hoe and plus she came on to me so she can't expect me to remember her name"

"Don't worry about him he is a man whore but the problem is he does not persue the girls the girls come to him" Layla says. "You know Nia yesterday you told me that you love me and you asked for my hand in marriage." Kieran says and I look at him shocked "you're lying I would never do that and you are just looking for a reason to make fun of me" he chuckles then says "I'm not lying at all and I have proof. I recorded the whole conversation." He says with an amused smile. "You would never" I dare him.

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