chapter 20

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"Picture everyone naked."

"Really Kieran. I don't want to see boys with dangling dicks and naked girls. Its not very normal. I have already seen a naked girl and I don't want to go through that again" I said. Like really guys. Naked people. "What?" He says while laughing, "its a great distraction" he says and shrugs his shoulders. "Are you sure that you are normal?" I ask him. "I'm am one hundred percent sure that I'm not normal. If I was normal you wouldn't be standing here next to me and if I was normal I would be boring, I mean who in the world likes normal. Everyone is abnormal in their own way." That is true no one in the world is normal. Its what makes us unique.

"So have you told anyone" Kieran asks while leaning against the locker that was next to mine. "No. You?" I said then closed my locker. "Same" I nodded my head then we went to his locker. "So when are we going to tell them?" I ask. "I was thinking that we could tell them lunch time altogether" he says while going through his locker to find his books. "What about Hayden" he stops going through his locker and sighs. "I mean he already knows about us so what would be the big deal."

"The big deal is I can't bear to see him sad" he sighs again and closes his locker after finding his books. "You are right, so what do you suggest we should do" he asks as we walk to our first class which is math. "I don't know maybe we can tell him that we are telling everyone during lunch"

"Maybe but I really don't see a big deal out of this because the school will talk about us and so will our friends because they don't know that Hayden likes you and as a matter of a fact no one knew, not even me." I nodded my head and the bell rang indicating that its the first period. I know the school will talk but Hayden is a really nice guy. His said face just makes me sad.

Kieran and I walk in our math class and mister Ducheman started teaching, but I couldn't concentrate because Kieran kept playing with my hand under the table sending a million tingles running up my hand.

The day went by fast and soon it was lunch. I saw that everyone was already there including Kieran. I went to sit beside Layla where I always sit. "So is it true?" Layla asks me after taking a bite of her bigger. "What's true?" I ask her. "That you and that asshole of my brother are dating." Did she just call her brother an asshole but hey what can I say, that totally sounds like Layla. If Layla doesn't throw a nasty comment in your way, just know that she doesn't like you.

Before I could answer her Kieran stood up, drawing attention to him but not from the whole school. "Guys I would like to announce something" Kieran says. "What? that you and miss over here are together" Layla says. "Yeah what Layla said" Kieran said then took His seat. "So what about Hayden?" Layla asked. Wait she knows about Hayden. "What about him" Abby asked. Layla looked between me, Kieran and Hayden then back to Abby. "Just forget I said anything but these three bozos know what I'm talking about" Layla said then took out her phone and slumped back on the chair. That is her way of telling us that this conversation is over.

Wow Layla is really observant something that I never really knew about her.

The day went by fast and it was soon after and we all headed to our hangout place which is the Thompson mansion. We were all discussing what we will do when we get to the lodge, what types of clothes to bring etc. Isa said we should bring swimming costumes, adventure clothes and formal clothes.

We started going through movies that we want to watch and while we were doing that Hayden asked if he can talk to me in private. We received wired looks from the others when we went to the kitchen.

"Sooooo" I said not knowing what to say even though I had a lot to say. Wait that does not even make sense. "I just wanted to apologize for kissing you without asking for you permission" he didn't look sad nor happy. He was just neutral. "No I should have told you about what was happening between me and Kieran." I'm glad that we are talking this out. It made me feel relived.
"So are we good?" I asked. Before he could answer we heard some shuffling by the entrance of the kitchen. Then we heard something fall, more like someone.

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