Chapter 33

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"Hey Gon, why did this Barbie looking ass have to come with us?" Ging asked quietly so bisky wouldn't hear him. I turn back to see bisky twirling her hair around her finger cutely, I then looked back at Ging and shrugged...

"I don't know, I didn't even notice her." I said...

We finally reached my home. As I opened the door I was tackled in a hug by alluka. "Gon-San! Welcome home!" She said happily.

I chuckled, "Wait I thought you had a husband? Is she your wife?" Ging asked.

Alluka looked at Ging in confusion, "N-no! She's my sister-in-law!"

He made an 'O' face and followed me into the house, bisky was greeted by Alluka and Kalluto who which I was surprised was here, he's usually busy with work. I looked at the living area to see leorio and kurapika. They both spotted me and looked slightly pissed, especially kurapika, they also had Izumi sleeping in their arms...shit....

Kurapika got up and speed walk towards me, "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US ABOUT IZUMI!"

I put my hands up in self defense as he grew closer to me, "A-ah...sorry kurapika, I was planning on telling you but a lot of things came up throughout the months...."

He huffed and crossed his arms, leorio also joined up, "well that doesn't matter, we got to meet him! Right?" Leorio said.

Kurapika sighed, "Yeah, I guess your right..."

Everyone's attention then landed on Ging, "Gon, whos he?" Kalluto asked looking Ging up and down.

"Oh...this is Ging, he's my biological father!" I said which surprised everyone, especially the Zoldyck children.

"HUH! How is he still alive?! I thought he was Killed!" Kalluto said.

I nervously chuckled, "Y-yeah, I'll explain everything later, but for now, Ging please find yourself at home. I'll be back." He nodded and ruffled my hair finding a seat of the sofa opposite from leorio who had Izumi...Ging just looked at him....

I sighed and walked up to alluka, "Do you know where Killua is?"

She nodded, "He's in his room sleeping."

I thanked her and walked upstairs. Once I opened the door, I immediately saw a huge pile of blankets on the bed. I chuckled and walked over to the bed, plopping myself on the pile....

He let out a small groan and wouldn't move...I squeezed myself underneath the blankets with him. His eyes were closed and his hair was messy, I admired his beautiful, yet handsome face and softly smiled. I then cuddled up against his chest....

He yawned and sleepily looked at me, "Gon...? Your back already?" He asked.

I hummed kissing his lips and caressed his face with my thumb, he smiled, pulling my waist closer to his and kissed my forehead....

"Welcome back...."

I smiled and continued to cuddle him...."thanks..."


I opened my eyes and found myself all alone in bed, I raised my eyebrow when I heard a loud yell from down stairs, I got up and slowly exited my room, going downstairs...

"Izumi! Come on You can do it! Say papa!" Killua said.

I held my elbows and heard it....."!"

My eyes widened as Izumi was held and swirled around by Killua, everyone else clapped and cheered, while Kalluto recorded...

Tears formed in my eyes as Izumi spotted and reached his hands out toward me, Killua turned around and smiled...

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