Chapter 2

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Gon fell onto the floor panting, wiping the sweat off his face. He got back up.

"Very Good your improving on your strength and stamina." Illumi told me.

"Why couldn't papa-San train me today!" Gon whined.

"Because he's busy on a mission, and I wanted to spend time with you!" Illumi said with a smile.

"Because he's busy on a mission, and I wanted to spend time with you!" Illumi said with a smile

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Gon let out a sad sigh and looked at illumi. It's been over 2 months since Gon had arrived in the Zoldyck establishment. Illumi was the only Zoldyck child Gons met so far. He already considered Illumi to be an older brother. Illumi felt strangely attached to Gon and wanted to keep him safe, just like his mother.

"Alright, this will be the last one for today and you can go to your room." Illumi said.

"Hai!" Gon said quickly getting up, quickly getting into his fighting stance

"Now begin!" Illumi said rushing towards Gon.

As illumi was inches away from Gon, he quickly turned his foot to the side. Doing this allowed illumi to move his whole body behind Gon.  Illumi was about to hit Gon from behind, but was easily dodged out by Gon moving his whole body to the right and going underneath illumi's punch, scoring Illumi a blow to the chin knocking his head up and losing balance. Gon then took this this change and kicked illumi in the stomach, knocking him to the floor. As illumi about to continue Gon then appeared behind illumi, holding a knife that his ze-pa had given him.

Illumi cracked a small smile, "very good!" He said

Gon cheered and helped illumi up. "You may take your leave now." Illumi said.

"Right!" Gon said before running off to see his 'mother.'

As he entered the room, he saw a small boy dressed in a kimono sitting next to Kikyo. "MAMA-SAN!" Gon yelled running up to Kikyo and hugging her. The boy dressed in the kimono the looked at Gon in surprise and a tiny glare. He then proceeded to hug his mother's arm out of  jealousy.

"Oh right! Gon dear, this is Kalluto. The youngest child, and Kalluto this Gon, treat him how you treat your brothers alright!" Kikyo explained.

"Hi I'm Gon! I like your kimono Kalluto! You look nice in it!" Gon cheerfully said.

Kalluto blushed at Gons complement. "Mother what is an outsider doing here?" Kalluto asked a bit harsh.

"Well Kalluto, Gon will be living here from now on." She said.

"But why!" Kalluto yelled causing Gon to flinch. 

"Because I said so!" Kikyo said raising her voice.

Kalluto sat back down saying nothing else.

"Sorry about that dear, what is it?" She asked

"I was able to beat illumi-nii" Gon said excitedly.

Kikyo clapped her hands together and hugged Gon. "I'm so proud of you! Your going to so strong!" Kikyo praised her 'son' leaving Kalluto in the dust. Gon said his goodbyes and went to his room. He lied in his bed thinking about how he should improve his fighting technique. He then realized he's never actually left the house before, ever since he got there and stated training he's once never stepped foot outside to explore.

He then got up and changed his outfit. Gon then ran out of the house through a window.

Gons POV:

I walked throughout the establishment seeing creatures and plants I've never seen before, not even In my hometown. As I walked through the forest I felt someone bump into me causing me to fall onto the ground.

"Ow.." I rubbed my head and looked up. I saw a  girl about my age with dark skin, brown curly hair that were tied up at the ends of her hair tips. She also wore a white button up shirt and black pants, she also had a Cain looking weapon in hand.

"My apologies, Mr

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"My apologies, Mr. Freecss!" She said bowing

I was a bit surprised she knew my name, but I was pretty sure they told the workers about me living here.

"It's okay! Don't worry about it. "

What's your name?" I asked the girl.

She looked at me, " Its Canary..." she said helping me up.

"That's a pretty name!" I said with a smile.

"Oh, T-thank y-you." She said.

"Anyways, Mr.Freecss what are you doing outside? It's quite cold out." She asked me taking out a scarf she had in her bag and wrapping it around my neck.

"Thank you, and I just wanted to explore since I haven't really left the house in over 2 months." I explained.

" I see, well then please continue." She said walking away. I nodded and ran to the entrance of the estate.


Gon quickly opened the doors of the gate and left the establishment.




To be continued.

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