Part thirty-two

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I tug down at my knee length, black cocktail dress, trying to get it to sit right. My butt is too big, and it sits just a little higher at the back than it does in the front. I groan.

"What's wrong?" James asks.

It's been three days since our argument about me going to Hawaii. James had stormed off, presumably to go to a bar and hook up with another woman like he always does. At least, that was my assumption. He came back smelling like Gucci Bloom, so I figured my assumption was correct. We had pretended like the argument never happened ever since then.

"Does my butt look too big in this dress?" I turn to show him, and he tells me I look fine.

"Just fine? We're going to dinner with the board of your company. I have to look better than just fine."

"You look better than fine. You look great, okay? Now c'mon, we're going to be late."

I sigh, grabbing my purse and heading out the door. We uber to the restaurant. James picked an Italian place, his favorite, which makes sense because this dinner is commemorating him taking over YumYum Tea Company. As his wife, I have to socialize with everyone at the dinner and sit by his side. It feels weird acting romantic in front of everyone. James is more affectionate with me in public then he is otherwise when we're alone.

"James, this is Mr. Henderson. He's the president of the board of YumYum Tea company. Mr. Henderson, this is my son James and his wife Sofia," James's father introduces us, and James slips an arm around my back to hold me close. His hand burns the small of my back, spreading warmth through my belly.

Mr. Henderson smiles politely. "You're the newlyweds! I was at your wedding. It was a beautiful day."

"It was, wasn't it?" I ask him.

"So tell me Sofia, what are you up to these days?" He asks me.

James looks over at me while I talk. "Well, I used to work as a financial advisor, but I quit my job right before I got married. I'm in between work right now, so I mostly work on hobbies. I do a lot of reading these days."

"What's your favorite book?" He asks me.

"A Thousand Splendid Suns," I respond.

His eyes light up immediately. "I'm a big Khaled Hosseini fan myself. Have you read And the Mountains Echoed?"

"No! I've been meaning to get my hands on that book. I loved The Kite Runner though."

"That one is my favorite," Mr. Henderson says.

"Aren't they so moving? Mariam's story makes me cry every time. I can't imagine what she went through in her life."

"Reading stories like that makes us grateful for our partners, doesn't it? Let me introduce you to my wife. Jessica," he says, waving her over.

I smile at her politely when she stands next to her husband. He continues speaking. "You remember Sofia and James from the wedding? Sofia was just telling me that she's a big Khaled Hosseini fan."

"No way! I got the opportunity to meet him three years ago," she says.

"That's amazing," I tell her. "What's your favorite book?"

We continue chatting about our favorite books and characters. It turns out that I have a lot in common with Mr. Henderson. He seems surprised that we have so much in common, and I can tell that James is impressed that we've been able to hold a conversation for so long.

His hand begins to rub up and down my back soothingly, and my cheeks flush at the movement. It feels like sparks are shooting from his hand up my spine. Why does my body react to him this way?


I've never heard Mr. Henderson talk about anything other than work in all of the years that I've known him. Somehow, Sofia has managed to charm him. I watch as she carries the conversation easily with Henderson and Jessica. She's such an outgoing extrovert. I'm constantly in awe of her.

I make eye contact with my dad from across the room. He's watching us carefully. I can tell that he's impressed Sophia has managed to engage with Mr. Henderson. I can't believe I wound up marrying her of all women. She's amazing, and she doesn't even know it.

We sit down at the dinner table. Sofia is sitting next to me on my right while Sarah is on my left. Everyone starts talking about the business, and I pay careful attention to where the conversation is heading. They all seem to be talking about this new supplier we're using. Sofia is listening quietly and eating. My parents seem quite pleased by the way dinner is going.

At the end of the night, I decide to take Sofia out for ice cream. I lean into her side, interrupting her conversation with Jessica. "Do you want to go out after this? Ice cream?" The smile that spread across her face makes my heart flip.

"Yes please," she whispers.

Fuck. I love it when she says please. I lean in and kiss her on the cheek fondly, causing my sister to look on at me with surprise. I quirk an eyebrow at Sarah. She texts me under the table so no one can hear us speak.

Are you the same James that insisted on staying a bachelor for the end of time? How did you go from refusing to get married to completely in love?

In love? I'm not in love with Sofia.

I'm not in love with her. Don't be ridiculous.

She texts back immediately. Please. You haven't been able to keep your eyes off her all night. And you're always touching her. You haven't even noticed Isabella, and she has her tits out.

Isabella? I frown. Isabella was our CFO's daughter, and I have always thought she was a complete knockout. I didn't even realize she was here. I look around the table for her and realize she's sitting down a ways. The woman is wearing a strapless red cocktail dress, and her boobs are spilling out the top. Still, I realize I don't find her as attractive as Sofia. She doesn't have Sofia's soft smile, high cheekbones, or sharp jawline. Her body isn't nearly as curvy as my wife's. In fact, all Isabella has going for her are her boobs. Even her face isn't as beautiful as I remember.

I didn't know Isabella was here.

I've never seen you this way before, Sarah texts.

That comment makes me uncomfortable, so I put away my phone. I don't want to talk about this anymore. My eyes wander over to Sofia again, and I smile when I see her chatting animatedly about books with Jessica again. If only Henderson's wife knew that Sofia was really into reading Fifty Shades before bed. That would give her something to think about. I smirk, thinking of the time I got Sofia to tell me that she wanted to try leather handcuffs in bed.

That's when it hits me. Fuck, Sofia is a virgin that wanted to be locked up. My dick stiffens, and I force myself to think of anything but her right now. I cannot seriously have a boner at a work dinner right now.

"Are you okay?" Sofia asks me. "You look uncomfortable," she whispers.

I shift in my seat awkwardly, trying to rearrange myself. "I-uh, um, I'm fine," I mumble, looking away from her beautiful brown eyes.

She frowns, but says nothing. I force myself to think of anything that will kill the boner. My grandma, my parents having sex, my dead dog. It works, and I relax in my seat. Fucking hell. Sofia is too sexy for her own good.

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