Part nineteen

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Rafting along the golden coast of Kona is pretty low key. The ride is very comfortable, and we listen to the captain tell a fascinating narration of Hawaiian folklore and the history of the Kona Coast. On the way there, he tells us to keep an eye out for green sea turtles, manta rays, and spinner dolphins. James spots all three, pointing them out to me from a distance. I watch the marine animals swim along, thinking about how much I'm enjoying James' company. We had to get up early to get to Kona today, and so we started driving around sunrise to get here. The whole way down we asked each other twenty questions to get to know each other better.

"What's your favorite type of cuisine?" He asked me.

"Mediterranean," was my easy response. He told me that he liked Italian.

"Your favorite movie?"

"27 dresses," I told him. He liked anything Marvel, and I had to admit that I hadn't seen any of the superhero movies. His jaw dropped, and he insisted that we spend time watching them together. His excitement over watching the movies made me happy, so I agreed to spend time watching all of them in order with him.

The captain helps us get set up for snorkeling, and I enjoy swimming amongst the rainbow of tropical fish. The coral gardens are beautiful, and the water is crystal clear. Before we head back, James and I enjoy some sandwiches we packed to picnic with on the boat.

Our ride back home is equally as fun, and James continues asking me questions about myself. "What the best compliment that anyone has ever given you?" He asks me.

I think about it for a minute. "Probably that I'm a caring daughter."

"I could've told you that. You married me for your father."

I blush. "That is true. Does it bother you that I married you for money?"

"Does it bother you that I married you for my reputation?"

"Not really," I tell him.

"Me either," he says.

"Tell me about your favorite thing we've done together so far," he asks me.

"You mean in Hawaii or overall?"

"Anything," he says.

"Well, the wedding was nice," I tell him, thinking about our first dance. It had been really nice to dance with him, and I felt special when he held me close. I didn't necessarily feel that special to him anymore though. Not when he was sleeping around with god knows how many women.

He laughs. "It was just nice?"

I grin at him. "No, it was really nice. I had fun shopping for my wedding dress with your mom and sister too."

"Really? They didn't drive you crazy with their unnecessary input?"

I laugh. "Not at all. It was nice being around your sister. I never had siblings growing up, so I enjoyed that moment we shared at the bridal boutique."

"Trust me, you didn't miss out on much," he mutters.

I roll my eyes at that. "I would've given anything growing up to have a sibling. I always wanted an older brother. Especially after my mom died. That's when I felt the most alone, like no one else could relate to my pain."

"Didn't you have your dad?" He asks.

I sigh. "Not really. He shut down after her death, and I learned later that's when he started gambling. Fast forward six years from my mom's death to today, and we're dirt poor and completely in debt. I had no choice but to say yes to your parents when they offered millions in exchange for my hand. And dad convinced me that I would have a good life with you."

"I didn't realize how bad it was for your family. Your mom passed away of breast cancer, right?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"My father told me," he says.

"Oh." I don't know what to make of that. Did his family talk about me a lot when I was gone?

"It was when he was trying to convince me to marry you," James explains.

"Did you take a lot of convincing?" I ask.

When my dad asked me to marry James, he wasn't really asking. He was basically pushing me to do it and guilt-tripping me into it. Had it been the same for James?

"Truthfully, yes. I refused to marry someone I didn't even know. When they told me I couldn't have the company until I married you, that's when I agreed right away. I didn't even know what you looked like. I saw you for the first time in the restaurant."


"I remember that," she says. "What was your first impression of me?"


"Yes. Be honest."

"I thought you were the sexiest woman I've ever seen," I tell her, keeping my voice low.

"James!" She squeaks.

Had no one ever told her that before? Why did she sound so surprised? "What?" I say innocently. "I mean it."

"Really? You've slept with hundreds of women, and you think I'm the sexiest?" She looks deep in thought, and I have no idea why.

"Yes. I thought it would be easy to seduce you, but that obviously hasn't been the case."

She bursts out laughing, and my confidence definitely takes a hit. "You thought you'd be able to sex me up like all the other woman that fall at your feet?"

"Pretty much," I tell her, smirking.

She rolls her eyes at me. "You're ridiculous."

"Speaking of sexing up," I say. "I'm planning on going to the bar tonight to get laid. It's been three days since I last had sex." Being around Sofia makes me horny all the time, and I have so much pent-up sexual energy that hasn't been released. I need to get it out of my system.

She looks surprised, but says nothing. "Okay, I'll call Ioane and see if he's free then."

I refrain from groaning. Is this how it's going to be every time I want to have sex in Hawaii? She's going to be having sex with Ioane? The thought of him touching her like that makes me sick.

"Don't drink because I won't be able to pick you up tonight," I tell her.

She flushes. "I won't. Sorry about making you come get me last time. I never apologized for that."

"You don't have to apologize to me. You're my wife, and I want to be there for you if you need me. At the very least, we should be friends even if we're not lovers. And friends do stuff like that for one another."

"I wouldn't know. I don't really have friends. I've been told that girls think I'll be really bitchy, so they don't befriend me. No one really gives me a chance."

That surprises me. "Seriously? You don't have anyone?"

She shrugs. "I guess not. But I have you now."

I smile at that. "True, you do have me." I'd like to think that I'm someone she can lean on when she needs help.

I have the displeasure of listening to her call Ioane in the car. He says he can make himself available tonight, and they make plans to see a movie together. The idea of the cuddling on a couch together almost makes me decide on canceling going to the bar. Almost.

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