Part seven

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Night falls, and I change into a clean negligee before heading to the kitchen. I use the ingredients we bought earlier to make shrimp fried rice. James watches me, a glass of wine in his hands. "Do you want some?" He asks, looking at the bottle of red.

I shake my head. "I don't drink."

James' eyes nearly bug out of his head. "What do you mean you don't drink?"

"I don't like the taste, and I also don't like losing control of myself. It's not for me," I say, scrunching my nose. I throw some frozen peas and carrots into the pan, listening to them sizzle in the heat.

"More for me, I guess," James mumbles, pouring himself a large helping.

Now that I'm in the kitchen, sweat pricks my forehead. I wasn't anticipating getting so hot while cooking, but this humid weather combined with the food is too much to handle. I fan myself with my hand, trying to cool down.

"Hot?" My husband asks me.

"Very," I reply. Fortunately, the rice has come together. All I need to do is add the eggs and then it will be good to go. I take a large helping of the rice and pass it to James, who takes a bite and looks completely taken aback.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him.

"Everything is more than okay. Sofia, you're an amazing cook. This tastes delicious," he tells me.

I grin. "You like it?"

"I love it," he says, and I feel a thrill shoot through me. I'm proud that I've made something he enjoys so much.

We sit outside by the fire pit and eat our rice while the fire blazes hot. I admire the crashing waves, and shovel the steaming rice onto my mouth. I'm thinking of what James said earlier: he wants an open marriage.

What does that entail? Does he want to have sex with strangers? What does sex mean to him? To me, it includes everything from oral to penetration. I should ask, shouldn't I? Especially if it's bothering me this much. I mean, isn't marriage about having open communication?



"When you say you want to sleep with other people, what do you mean?"

There. I said it. My cheeks feel hot, like I've said something extremely embarrassing, but I needed to get that out there.

He looks at me seriously, which makes me feel better. At least he isn't laughing so me. "I meant that anything goes with anyone."



"So you want to sleep with other people in Hawaii too? Or just back home?"

His response is immediate. "Everywhere. I want our marriage to stay open."

"But what about your parents? Didn't they want you to marry me so that you'd be exclusive to one woman?"

He sets his bowl of rice down and looks at me. I can sense his frustration about this. "My parents can't control every aspect of my life forever. As long as they don't find out, we're in the clear. They won't hand me the company if it doesn't look like I've settled down with you."

"Yes, that makes sense," I tell him. I guess I got my answer. He really does want to explore everything with other people.


Staring at Sofia by the heat of the fire is doing something to my body. She's wearing a different slip now. This one is nude, and it matches her skin tone perfectly. Every time I look at her, the fabric clings to her every curve, the lace hugging her thighs and breasts to make it look like she's naked. But she's not. The slip has small pink bows holding it together, and I resist the urge to undo them and take her right here, right now.

"Are you done with your rice?" Her melodious voice asks. She's noticed that I'm not eating anymore. I keep getting distracted staring at her body.

"I'm still eating," I tell her. I place the bowl over my lap so she won't see my hard-on when she walks by. I watch her head back inside to set her plate in the sink, and I turn around to follow her body with my eyes. Her hips sway seductively from side to side, her round ass poking out as she leaves. Fuck.

I can hear the sound of the sink running, so I know she's washing the dishes. I take my time eating my food, thinking about how I'm going to get laid on this vacation. Now that Sofia knows I want to sleep with other women, it should be as difficult. Maybe I'll pick someone up at a bar in town. 

I finish eating and head back inside. Sofia takes my plate from me and washes it. I watch her clean her hands with soap and dry them on a towel before she goes back into our bedroom to brush her long hair. There's something so satisfying about watching her run the brush through her locks, and my lips dry when her eyes meet mine in the vanity mirror and she smiles at me. All the blood shoots straight to my dick as she bends over to put her brush away.  Doesn't she know that I can see everything when she does that? Is she teasing me on purpose?

My breathing slows when she leans forward to close her suitcase back up. Her breasts spill forward, jiggling with every movement. I imagine what it would be like to suck on them like candy, listening to her squeal underneath me.

God, I'm going to need to take another cold shower again. I head to the bathroom and get inside the hot water. Then I gradually lower the temperature until it's freezing. When my soldier is at rest again, I step out of the shower with a towel around my waist. I pad into the bedroom, where my wife is in bed reading on her iPad.

She glances up and does a double take at me. I watch her eyes widen as she takes in my bare chest, glistening with fresh water droplets. Is she as affected by me as I am by her? I give her my signature smirk, and she looks away quickly. I take my time walking around and changing into my clothes the way that she does around me. Maybe she'll do me a favor and jump me, so I can finally fuck her senseless.

Unfortunately, Sofia stays in bed. I crawl under the covers next to her, and she puts away her iPad. We fall asleep to the sound of rainfall pitter-pattering against the glass of the wall.

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