Part thirty

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Brunch at The Roost is delicious. The restaurant is known for their farm fresh eggs, so I order eggs benedict, which tastes delectable. Elizabeth asks James and me to talk about what we did on our honeymoon. I tell her that we went cage diving with sharks, and her eyes bug out. "My son? In the water with sharks? What if something happened to you and the shark got stuck in the cage?"

"It was very safe," I tell her, trying not to laugh. "I don't think that's ever happened before."

Sarah is smirking. "Knowing James, he was probably terrified."

I grin. "He didn't tell me he was scared until the last possible second when we had to get in the water!"

James rolls his eyes. "I think I had a pretty normal reaction to cage diving. Sofia here actually wanted to dive cage-less."

Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Please tell me you didn't."

"We didn't," I say. "James wouldn't let me."

"Thank god for that," she says.

"I didn't realize you were such a thrill seeker," Elizabeth says.

"I didn't know that I was a thrill seeker until I met James," I say. "He's very mellow compared to me."

"What was your favorite part of the trip?" Sarah asks her younger brother.

"There was a day when we stayed indoors and had a Marvel movie marathon. I know it has nothing to do with Hawaii, but I had a lot of fun."

Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "We would send you all the way to Hawaii only for you to do something you could do anywhere in the world."

I come to James' defense. "I mean, that was the day after his accident. I didn't feel comfortable doing more outdoorsy things while he was recuperating."

"I cannot believe you got in a car accident in Hawaii," his sister says.

"I can't believe I found him on the way home," I tell them.

"Where were you?" Elizabeth asks me. "You weren't with him?"

I freeze for a second. I can't tell them I was with Ioane. James doesn't want anyone to know about our open relationship. "I was just at the beach," I lie. "It wasn't far from our house."

We continue eating our food, and I'm enjoying a glass of orange juice when Elizabeth interrupts us. "So when can we expect some grandbabies?"

I choke on the juice, and it goes down the wrong pipe. James pats my back as I end up coughing hard.

"Mom, I think It's a little too soon for that," James says.

He smiles at me, and I hope that I don't return the expression with a grimace. I can't imagine sleeping with James. Not after he spent so much time with other women. Who knows how many STDs he's picked up? I know he gets tested regularly because he told me, but I still get nervous thinking about that when it comes to him.

"It's never too early for grandbabies," she says.

I do my best to smile at her. "I think we're taking things slow right now. We just got married," I say as if that wasn't already obvious.

She looks upset but says nothing. I don't understand why she thinks she has any say in when we'll have kids. James and I haven't even talked about that before. I can't imagine having child with him ever. If his mom really pushes, we might have to adopt. I always wanted to be mom, but now that I've actually seen who I've married, I just don't think it's possible. I don't see myself ever having sex with James.


Brunch went okay until mom brought up having babies. I took one look at Sofia's face, and I knew she wasn't ready to have that discussion. Truthfully, I have never seen myself as the type of guy who would ever have kids. Even though I'm married, that hasn't changed. People make it sound like having kids after you get married is the natural next step, but that's not what I want for myself. I just want to work on the family company and make it grow into something more successful than what my father has already built.

I look over at Sophia, who is napping on our bed right now. As soon as we got home, she went to lay down because she wasn't feeling well. She told me her stomach was having cramps, and she wanted to rest.

She looks so innocent sleeping calmly like that. I brush her hair out of her face and pull the blanket up to her shoulders, tucking her in. For some reason, I can't resist kissing her cheek. It feels soft under my lips, and I linger for a moment.

Just then, her phone goes off. I pick it up to silence it right away, so she doesn't wake up. When I grab it, I can't help but notice the caller ID. It says that Ioane is calling her. What is that fucker doing calling her? We're not in Hawaii anymore. Their relationship should be over, if what they had was even a relationship to begin with.

I can't help but pick up the phone. "Stop calling my wife," I demand.

The fucker has the audacity to laugh. "I'll stop calling her when she wants to stop talking to me."

"What are you talking about?"

"She's coming to visit me again," he says smugly.

What the hell is he talking about? She's going back to Hawaii? When was she planning on telling me? And why is she bothering to go all the way back there for him?

My blood boils. "Tell her you don't want to see her anymore," I say. "Stay out of our fucking lives."

He doesn't seem to care about anything that I'm saying. What an asshole. "Like I said, I'll leave when Sofia's makes it clear that she wants me gone. As of right now, it's obvious that she wants me in her life."

I study Sofia's sleeping figure, gripping the cell phone until my knuckles turn white. How could she do this to me? I guess I did tell her that anyone was fair game everywhere, but I didn't think that meant she would go all the way back to Hawaii for someone. Something about him just gets under my nerves.

"Listen dipshit, what part of stay out of our lives don't you get? She's mine," I tell him.

"I know you two have an open relationship. You're a hypocrite, sleeping around with whoever you want and then not letting her do the same."

My jaw nearly drops. She told him that we had an open marriage? What for?

"If you don't stay out of our lives, I'll make sure you'll regret it," I tell him.

"I'd like to hear what Sofia has to say about that."

God, he's the most annoying fucker I've ever talked to in my life. "Don't ever call back again," I say, ending the call.

I look down at Sofia. She's still sleeping soundly. What does she see in that guy anyway?

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