Part twenty-one

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Watching James recover from his accident on a hospital bed leaves me sick to my stomach. I listen to the sound of the medical equipment beeping, trying not to cry again. I had been terrified when I showed up to the scene of the accident. James had been sitting slumped over in the front seat, a deep gash on his forehead with blood oozing out.

The doctor knocks on the door. I tell him to come in, and fortunately he has good news for me. Apparently, James has a small concussion, and he's sprained his arm. He needs stitches for his forehead. Still, his injuries aren't as severe as they looked, so I breathe a sigh of relief. I couldn't get him to wake up when I first found him. That alone was horrifying. I start crying out of relief, and Ioane gets up from where he's sitting to hug me again.

"Everything is going to be okay," he assures me.

"I can't believe his blood alcohol level was that high! What was he thinking driving back home drunk? If I had been there, I could've stopped this. I would've driven us back. Why didn't he call me?"

Ioane hushes me. "Don't make this any worse for yourself. The important thing is that he's okay. And he's going to make a full recovery. Have the police come back yet?"

I shake my head. The police had stopped by earlier to collect a statement from me and James. They were going to issue him a DUI no doubt. I had already called James' mother in a panic. She had instructed for me to pay the police off, which I was extremely nervous about doing.

"Ioane, do you know any of the police officers?Is there anyone I would be able to talk to who could help me take care of this situation?"

Ioane informs me that Malia's cousin is an officer. He calls the cousin, and the man agrees to meet me at the hospital. I exit James' hotel room to chat with the officer when he arrives.

"I know my husband is an idiot. But if there is anything you can do to keep this off his record, I would appreciate it."

Malia's cousin looks hesitant. "I can't do that."

I groan internally. I have to take care of this, otherwise James' mother will never forgive me. I promised her that I would do my best to erase James' DUI. It would look completely irresponsible of him to get the DUI; he wouldn't be handed down the company from his parents. And if that happened, James would hate me forever. He wanted his parents' company more than anything.

"Please. I can pay you anything. I can donate a new wing to the police station. Or I can have him sign up for AA. I swear, I'll do anything. Just please help me make this go away," I beg.

He looks at me and sighs. "I don't know what I can do. I can't make you any promises."

"But you'll try?" I ask him hopefully.

"Yes, I'll try. For Ioane."

Thank god. I start crying again, and the man looks at me uncomfortably. "I'm so sorry," I tell him. "I can go. Just let me know what you need from me. Money is no issue."

The man nods his head and leaves. It's not even a minute later when I hear a scream coming from James' room. Immediately, I run toward the hospital bed where he was previously knocked out from the concussion. The scene before me takes my breath away.

Ioane is clutching his bleeding nose, and James is soothing the skin of his knuckles. It's obvious that the concussed man punched Ioane in the nose.

"What the hell James?"

"Where do you get off swearing at me?" He asks me.

"Why did you punch Ioane?"

"Where were you?" He demands. "I get into an accident, and you bring your goddamn lover to the hospital room? What? You can't be parted for fifteen minutes? What the hell were you thinking bringing him here? You should've been here when I woke up!"

Rage burns through me. "This isn't some crappy romance novel where the protagonist waits all night in your room and has time to wait for you to wake up. I have other things to do."


More than anything, I'm hurt seeing the fucker in my hospital room. He has no right to be here, and I can't believe Sofia thought it would be okay to bring him here.

I can't handle seeing that stupid smirk on his face. He took one look at me and had the balls to ask if I was doing okay, smirking all the while. He knew that he was fucking my wife, and he didn't care that I knew about it. I couldn't stop myself from punching him in the nose. It hurt my hand like a bitch, but it was satisfying because I heard something crack.

"What could possibly be more important than me lying in a hospital bed?" I snap at her.

If the situation had been reversed, I would have been there for her in a heartbeat. And I wouldn't have brought another woman to the hospital room because I knew better.

"I'm going to take care of this," Ioane mutters, pinching his nose. He heads out of the room.

"Your damn DUI!" She screams. "I have to stop them from putting it on your record, otherwise your parents won't give you the company. They gave me an ultimatum," she says.

I quiet down immediately. What the fuck? My parents won't give me the company because I got a DUI? Probably because they think the DUI makes me look too reckless to head a company. It's just like my parents to pull that type of shit, even though they promised to hand me the company no matter what after I married Sofia.

"I'm sorry," I tell her. I shouldn't have snapped at her if I didn't know the whole story. It was obvious that she cared about me.

"Just because I wasn't in the room when you woke up doesn't mean I wasn't worried sick about you! When I s-saw you in t-that car, I thought you were d-dead," she stammers, beginning to cry again. She covers her face with her hands, and my gut drops. This is all my fault. I'm the one that got the DUI; I made her cry, and I punched Ioane and made the situation worse.

"Sofia, I'm sorry," I tell her.

"Don't ever do that to me again!" She cries.

"Come here," I tell her. I gesture for her to come close, and she shakes her head. I frown. "Sofia," I repeat. I gesture for her to come close another time.

This time, she obliges. I pull her onto the bed, and she cries into my chest. "I thought you were dead," she moans. "You weren't moving. You couldn't hear me screaming your name, a-and you wouldn't open your eyes. I was so afraid to move you. I had no idea what—"

"Shhh," I quiet her. "I'm okay now." I wrap my arms around her tight. "Breathe baby," I tell her.

She hiccups. "And I've been so stressed trying to get rid of this DUI. I don't even know if I'll be able to pay them off," she cries.

"Don't worry about that now," I murmur into her ear.

She clutches my hospital gown, sniffling. "I can't believe you drove drunk. What were you thinking? Why didn't you call me? I keep thinking that I could've stopped you if I had just come home," she whimpers.

The sound breaks my heart. "Sofia, none of this is your fault. I'm an idiot, okay? I shouldn't have gotten into that car. I should've called you. It's not your fault that I'm a moron."

"You are a moron," she cries, and I can't help but laugh.

"Don't ever do this to me again," she says. "I thought I lost you."

Something in my heart sinks hearing the broken tone to her voice. "I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I tell her. She pulls out of my chest and cups my face. I'm completely floored when her lips press against mine hard.

I kiss her back equally as powerfully, trying to show her how regretful I am of my actions. "I'm sorry," I whisper against her lips.

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