Part eleven

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James does not look like he's doing okay. He's gone completely pale, and the way he's trembling is not natural. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no.

Crap. Maybe he was more nervous about this than he let on. He didn't seem to have a problem with cage diving until we actually got to the open ocean.

"Do you want me to come out and join you?"

He shakes his head again.

"Do you still want to get in the water?"

He looks like he's having an internal battle, but then he gets into the cage with me. There is pure fear in his eyes, and I hold his hand while I tread water. Fortunately, we don't need scuba equipment here. I don't think James would be able to handle that.

It's a rich blue underwater, and I see a shark swim by immediately. It looks like a sandbar shark, according to what the marine biologist said. The longer we stay in the water, the more sharks seem to pass by. They look like magnificent creatures. I feel so small in comparison to them. My eyes can't help but fixate on their shark teeth, which look perfect for tearing into fish.

I glance at James. He's gripping my hand hard enough that it feels like it might break. Fortunately, he seems to be breathing alright. The longer we stay in the water, the looser his grip becomes. Soon enough, we're both enjoying the view of the sharks. I get to the edge of the cage so James can take a photo of me with the sharks in the background. It takes a while, but I convince him to join me so that we can take a picture together too.

The cage diving experience goes by faster than I expected, and I find myself disappointed that I can't stay longer.

"I can't believe I just did that," James says, looking at me incredulously. We're standing on the boat now.

"Well, believe it," I tell him, trying not to laugh at the expression on his face.

"You're insane. I can't believe you made me do this," he tells me.

I roll my eyes at him. "You're so dramatic. You didn't object to it when I asked."

"I was terrified the whole time. I mean, it ended up being amazing, but I almost shit my pants."

My head tips back as I laugh, and James can't help but grin. "I didn't realize you were such a thrill seeker."

I shrug. "I don't know if I'd say I'm a thrill seeker. I just like adventure."

"You like danger," he tells me. "We're going to have to do something way more low-key now to balance the cage diving out."

"We can get lunch if you want," I say.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'm feeling burgers."

We get back in the car, and James drives us to the restaurant. I check my hair in the car and groan. "My hair is so frizzy after it gets wet," I complain.

"You look fine," he tells me.

I ignore him, pulling my hair into a messy bun. When I feel presentable, I get out of the car and walk to the entrance. Then James opens the door for me, and we walk into the restaurant.


We are seated outside with a perfect view of the beach. Sofia and I both order burgers and French fries to share, and I appreciate that she isn't afraid to eat properly in front of me. Most other women I've been with would just order a salad and eat my fries.

The waiters brings out our food, and I take a healthy bite out of it. I can't resist bringing up Ioane. "So how was last night with Ioane?"

I hate the way her eyes light up when she talks about him. "So much fun!"

"Yeah? What did you do?"

"Dinner and dancing. He was great. I think we're going to see each other again," she says enthusiastically.

I refrain from telling her fuck no. She wants to see that piece of shit again? It was bad enough that they kissed, but now she was going to develop an emotional relationship with him. A physical relationship was one thing, but an emotional one...I force myself to breathe. I did this to myself. I wanted this. I was the one that said we should have an open marriage. I could have had her all to myself, but I wanted to see other women.

It didn't matter how drop dead gorgeous she was or how adventurous. Or the fact that she was more charming than all of the women I had slept with combined. She wasn't mine to keep.

"That's...nice," I say after an extended pause. "When do you think you'll see him again?"

"Whenever he calls me," she says casually. And of course he will call her. I doubt any man has ever left her hanging; I'm beginning to realize that she's not the type of woman you let go of if you can help it. Not when she looks like sin itself. "How about you? Think you'll talk to those blondes again?"

I shake my head immediately. "That was a one-time thing only. I've always been a one-night stand sort of guy."

"That's...good for you I guess," she finishes awkwardly.

What's she thinking? Is she regretting the open marriage? It doesn't seem like it. Not when she's going around making out with island men. There's a pause where we both seem to be trying to figure out what the other is thinking.

Ultimately, we're interrupted by the sound of Sofia's cell ringing. She answers right away. I can hear the baritone of a man's low voice.

"Oh, Aloha!" Sofia plays with a strand of her hair. A smile plays at the corners of her lips, and I grit my teeth. It's the fucker.

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything tonight," she says.

Great. There goes my chances of seeing her later tonight. Not that I was planning on doing anything with her, but it was nice to know that I had the option.

"I'd love to go out for dinner again." There is a pause, and he seems to say something, causing her to laugh. "And dancing. Say hi to Leilani for me. Bye," she says.

"Who's Leilani?" I ask my wife.

She puts away the phone in her purse. "Ioane's daughter."

That fucker has a daughter, and he's going around flirting with my wife? Who does he think he is? If I was any angrier, steam would be coming out of my ears.

"Are you going out with him again then tonight?" I ask her, trying to sound calm.

"Yeah, he's taking me out for dinner."

"Sounds like you're in for a fun night."

"I'm excited," she confesses, her eyes sparkling. I hate it.

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