15 | Family And Friends

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In the dark night, under the calming silence, an elderly man and woman saunter along an empty road leading to their little house. The lady wears a shawl on her shoulders, providing her comfort in the freezing dark. Fog envelops them, and the aged man assists his sick wife, helping her take each slow step.

Amid the tranquil surroundings, where not even a cricket's chirp can be heard, the street leading to their home appears devoid of life. The only sound is that of their own footsteps.

In the dense obscurity, a man stands behind in a corner, observing them. He wears black attire, making it difficult to distinguish him in the quietness.

As the woman proceeds on the empty streets, her feet suddenly halt. She turns to look around, searching for something she has yearned to see for the past twenty years. However, her eyes are blurred due to old age. She should have brought her spectacles, but how could she have known? She had thought her visit to the nearby hospital wouldn't take more than an hour or two. Now, she regrets her decision.

"What's wrong, honey?" The older man asks, his brows furrowing in concern as he grips his wife's shoulder.

The woman shifts her gaze to her husband, shaking his arm gently. "J-Jimin. Jimin. My son is here," she says, her eyes lighting up.

Her husband's frown deepens, and he replies, "Honey . . . you know, Jimin's dead. You can't hold onto him like this forever."

Jimin's father sheds a tear that slides down his rosy cheek. "O-Our son . . . is dead. Y/N is too. If—" He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, "if you keep on being like this, I can't go on either. It'll afflict me to live every day. It's been going on for years, honey. Us—h-holding on to our son's and daughter's memories. It pains me to see you like this." Tears cloud the man's eyes as he tries to remain strong for his wife, a pillar for her to lean on, and hopes to help her move on as well. Yet, he cannot stop another tear from escaping his eyes.

In the darkness, Jimin remains hidden from the view of his parents, tears rolling down his sharp jaw. He can't bring himself to wipe them away, knowing more will follow. His eyes remain fixed on the elderly couple as he retreats into the shadows. Each step he takes seems to echo in the silence, the only sound besides his footsteps.

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