08 | Ms. Whatever You Are

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"There are no secrets that time does not reveal."

-Jean Racine.


You had woken up to the sound of an alarm ringing in your ears. It was probably seven right now. The time you should get up to go to work and see that bastard Jeon Jungkook's too-attractive smirk while he hands you those papers looking at you with a charming and flirty gaze. Of course, you have always ignored it and walked away not giving a shit while he rolls his eyes and backs away laying back in his chair, but still having his eyes lingering on you.

Yeah, it was going to be another day for another act like this to happen. But you realized what kind of an awkward position you're sleeping in, making all of your flashbacks from yesterday come back to you. You shouldn't have drunk again. Last night was one hell of a ride.

Jimin was so enraged after Taehyung's little slip out, he was interrogating the three of you dangerously. You sigh remembering about it. You had to calm him down and explain that there was nothing like that, and Taehyung was just on his way to jest.

The actor accepted everything you had said, nodding at every one of your words. The boss? He was so quiet, looking like a lost kid in a jungle with his gaze down. You're genuinely pitying him until you recall what kind of a player he was. You behaved as if you didn't see anything and cleared out everything, which was Taehyung's fault.

You're ready for work, however, you had a plan for today. You weren't just going to let it be after getting so many clues. You decided to do it when you thought the time was right.

Expose Jeon Jungkook.

Your day had gone by as his secretary; you both kept it to work, being professional. He was probably keeping his distance after last night for some reason. You did not know why.

As your feet step into his office, you hear a girl shouting at him, "You started this, Jungkook!"

You pause leaning against the wall, waiting for the drama to finish and the girl to walk out. The door was open, only a bit. So much so, you could only keep one eye to look. Although, the girl didn't walk out, and Jungkook shouted back, "Okay, you want this right?! Then so be it!" You swivel around to look at them, and your gaze falls on Jungkook smashing his lips on hers.

Your tears started flowing out. You didn't want this; why didn't you? It's his life after all. You stood there stunned as you couldn't breathe and only stared at them. Why does he think of you as such a joke? You had a heart, didn't you? And it was so easy for him to play around with it. And only care for his needs. Isn't this what all playboys are about? You shouldn't have ever cared one bit. But you just can't control this. These feelings in you burst like a rainbow and break you the same way every time he's with someone. Turning into a very harsh rain in you. You aggressively wipe your tears away, trying not to let out a whimper and let them hear you. It's better if he doesn't know.

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