17 | Never Ending Search

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"One apple for ten won." An old woman offers while standing in her small shop to her customer, looking somewhat bored with her daily routine.

The customer frowns, "Can't you sell it for 5 won?"

"No. Now, if you don't want it, get lost," the old woman replies without hesitation. Her attention then shifts to a young boy, about ten years old, approaching her shop in the bustling market.

"Jungkook!" The woman happily yells, catching the boy's attention.

Jungkook smiles brightly, revealing his little bunny teeth, and as he gets closer, he calls out, "Grandma!"

He places his small hands on the shop's counter, peeping over it with his bouncy coconut hair, giggling towards his elderly friend.

"How is your family, Jungkook-ah?" The woman asks with a warm smile, noticing how thin and small the boy appears for his age. She knows he's likely hungry.

Jungkook's expression saddens when his family is mentioned. "My sister hasn't eaten for a week now," he says quietly.

"How old is your sister?" The old woman asks sympathetically.

"She just turned 3," Jungkook replies with a bright smile, happy that his little sister is growing up.

"Wait," the woman says, turning around to grab some fruits to give to Jungkook. "Say hi to your sister for me."

"Is-Is this for my family?" Jungkook asks, his eyes filled with wonder as he holds the fruits in his little arms.

"Yes. Now don't let them go hungry," the woman says, offering a small smile.

Jungkook tries to bow, but with his arms full of fruits, it's quite awkward. "Kookie thanks you."

With a huge smile, Jungkook turns around and heads home. He's from a commoner family, struggling financially because his father doesn't work. Jungkook feels a strong sense of responsibility to care for his little sister.

Jungkook decides to give his share of the fruits to his sister. He wants to protect her and make sure she's well-fed.

Running home, Jungkook wears worn-out slippers, and as he rushes, sharp stones pierce through, ripping the slippers apart. Blood begins to trickle from his feet, but he pays it no mind, his focus solely on getting food for his family.

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