33 | Murderer

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FLASHBACK • unknown person's pov •

A girl who looks to be in her teens enters a forest in a robe. The long trail of the robe follows her from behind as she walks past the woods with a blank expression. Her fingers graze the barks of the trees as a little white light sparkles from them. Her other hand carries a bag of unknown powder as she goes to the middle of the empty ground in the forest. Grass being crushed noises fill the silent air as her feet touch the ground. Just some crickets chirping sounds surround her environment.

She goes to the middle, takes the bag of powder out, and makes a big circle filled with the red powder. A devil's sphere. That was what it was called. Her hands were shaky at the thought of what she was going to do. She thought of backing off from her plan, but she stands still since she had a reason.

With shaky hands and a heavy breath, she fills the circle with the reddish powder. A triangle in the middle. She makes it all as she stands in the circle after. She snaps her shaky fingers letting a book fall on the ground in front of her with her magic.

Looking down, she removes her cloak revealing her long curly hair as she reads what was inside, the chant that will make her at peace.

"A pure magician once I was. Here I am, to sell my soul to the lord of hell. An act of revenge that I seek in exchange. A family that I lost. An utmost pain that brought me here. A soul so magical can make the devil smile. I am all his, he wants. I ask for his powers to help me follow the murderer till the day he dies. Torture so miserable for him, he regrets ever being born." She takes a knife that appears on the ground slicing her palm with it. Tears rush down her cheeks in pain. She breathes in keeping herself together and not breaking down, especially right now. She thought about her loving family, that she loved, and the man that took all from her.




I stand still, not trying to run to her when she closes her eyes. It pains me to see her in so much pain. I know everyone tells me it isn't my fault. But it feels like it is. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have to go through so much. She would've been able to live peacefully. I shake my head at the negative thoughts that are taking over me. Yoongi Hyung says not to let them take over me.

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