50. Theatricality.

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"It's so weird" Artie said when Tina took a seat in the choir room in just a simple hoodie and jeans. I mean he's right, this is far from the Tina we've all got to know. I think the whole club were looking at Tina as if she'd grown a second head.

"This so isn't you" Finn said from the other side of the girl.

"I feel like an Asian Branch Davidian" Tina responded.

"Tina are there any other looks you can try?" Mr Schue asked looking worriedly at the girl who looked so uncomfortable.

"Biker Chick" Santana said.

"Rock Chick" I supplied.

"Cowgirl?" Finn sounded unsure on that one himself.

"Hood rat" Mercedes contributed.

"Maybe just less Goth?" Brooke tried.

"Computer Programmer" Quinn said from beside me. She actually sounded enthuiastic about that. Was she a secret nerd lover? I mean... What?

How did a computer programmer even dress?

"Cross country skier" Brittany added. I don't even question it...

"Catholic School Girl" Puck said with a smirk.

I just silently rolled my eyes at the predictable Puck answer.

"Happy Meal, No onions" Brittany said. Like I said I think I've learnt to just not question what Brittany comes out with sometimes. That girl gets me every time. "Or a chicken" She shrugged.

She just gets better.

"Look, I appreciate it, guys, but it just isn't me" Tina said to everyones contributions. "I know who I am, and I'm not allowed to show it. It's like communism." She concluded.

"I think its Bullsh..."

Before I could even finish, Cue a Rachel Berry dramatic storm... In... this time. Huh, I actually hadn't noticed she wasn't here...Strange.

"Guys, we have a serious problem." She said with a furrowed brow and worried face. What broadway disaster had happened this time.

"You know I've been doing some deep background on Vocal Adrenaline?"

"Isn't that against the rules?" Artie asked her.

"No, not at all" She said sounding like she was trying to convince herself rather than us. "Or probably, Whatever! Anyway, what I figured out... I rooted through the Dumpsters behind the Carmel auditorium and I found eighteen empty boxes of Christmas lights"

"Oh no" Tina added.

"What?" Brooke turned to her to ask.

What?Wait why was that bad? I mean apart from it being April...

"Which led me to Joelle Fabrics." Rachel continued looking more and more frightened as she spoke. "I asked them about red Chantilly lace. And they were sold out!" And now she looked frantic.

"Oh, Sweet Jesus" Mercedes looked just as shocked and freaked out.

"Oh my." Kurt added looking horrified.

"Wait, what?" Mr Schue asked what most of us were thinking.

"They're doing Gaga" Kurt clarified.

And that was bad because?

"Thats it, it's over" Mercedes looked ready to throw in the towel.

"Exactly" Rachel said with a shrug.

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