39. Crazy For You.

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Today is the day.

After last night and the talk we had before we somehow fell asleep instantly, I knew I couldn't keep everything in anymore. Not after everything he'd said last night, and everything I felt when he'd said it. And feeling so safe and comfortable in his arms. I had the best night sleep last night. I just feel like I could do anything. I could do this. I need to tell him. But I'm terrified that he won't see me in that way and I'll loose him as friend.

I've managed to convince myself that he does feel the same way. He must do. But I'd be heart broken if he doesn't. I needed a way that I could get what I felt for him out in the open but not to the point that I'm explicitly telling him out loud, and in front of anyone. I needed a way where he'd know, but maybe not everyone in the room will know.

If that makes sense?

The last thing I want is other people knowing my business. They know enough already.

I also needed to be considerate of Ryan.

I mean the guy has a girlfriend, for goodness sake. I've hurt enough people. Let's not make the list even longer.

Then the perfect idea came to me.


Since its Madonna week and everything, and Madonna is all about empowering women and giving women a voice, the power to do anything. Then maybe I can voice my feelings in song.

And I think I might know the perfect song...


"Mr Schue, I have a Madonna song I'd like to sing" I said raising a hand from my place just in front of Ryan and next to Puck.

"Uh, yeah sure Quinn, floor's all yours" Mr Schue said gesturing to the space at the front. I got up and walked to the front. I walked over to the band and handed them the sheet music. I think people were a little surprised that I wanted to do a solo. I normally take a back seat when it comes to performing.
I'd never done this before. A solo on its own is terrifying. Let alone a song that basically pours my heart out to the guy I like. I just hope he gets what I'm trying to say. And best case scenario... he feels the same.

The band started and the music began to take over. I took a deep breath before starting to sing. I looked anywhere but at Ryan. Knowing if I look at him, especially sat right next to Brooke as always, that I'd back out of doing this.

Here goes nothing...

Swaying room as the music starts.
Strangers making the most of the dark.
Two by two their bodies become one.

I looked around the room to everyone as they listened intently to what I was saying in song.

I see you through the smokey air
Can't you feel the weight of my stare

At that lyric I thought back to that morning, We'd woken up and separated to get ready for the day, Ryan had gone down to his basement and I stayed up stairs. But after my shower, I was getting ready in my room when I realised I'd forgotten my phone on one of Ryan's side tables when I'd been talking with him and his friends the evening before, and had only just realised.

I ran back down to quickly grab it. But as I reached the bottom of the basement stairs I looked over as the bathroom door was opening and out walked an almost naked Ryan wrapped in only a towel coming out of the steamiest bathroom possible. I grabbed my phone and walked back upstairs without saying another word. Not trusting my voice, or the blush that was inevitably going to be on my face.

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