48. Laryngitus.

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Waking up in the middle of the night to a creak on the basement stairs can be a little startling. Not gonna lie. Being down here alone for the first few years we lived here always gave me the creeps. But since we'd done the place up and made it a lot more liveable, that creepy feeling has gotten better. Thankfully, But when a creak on the stairs woke me up from a pretty peaceful sleep at one o'clock in the morning. I have to admit...

I kinda shit myself.

But seeing the beautiful face of my girlfriend greeting me at the bottom of the stairs looking as scared as I looked kind of chased that feeling away.

"Hey" I said to her sitting up in my bed a little to look over at her. She walked over to me looking unsure and the closer she got, I then realised that she'd been crying. Which scared me more than any creepy basement would. "Hey, what's up beautiful?" I asked and she came over and immediately laid with me and snuggled into my neck. I wrapped an arm around her as she breathed heavily into my neck. I could feel her tears as they ran down my neck to my t-shirt.

"Hey, Why are you crying?" I asked while trying to soothe her. She mumbled something into me but I could decipher it. "What was that gorgeous?" I asked and she pulled back.

"What..." She paused and took a breath "What if I can't do this?" She asked worriedly.

"Do what?" I asked feeling helpless right now.

"What if I can't give birth." She said "What if something goes wrong and she gets distressed, and then..." She went into panic mode.

"Hey, hey...." I said trying to calm her down. "Have you been reading those books again?" I asked and she looked so guilty, "Hey we agreed if you won't let me read them on my own, and I don't like you reading them on your own, since this happens. Then we'll read them together." I said to her warningly but still soft so it didn't upset her more.

I'd learnt to tread lightly. When it comes to Quinn and baby hormones. She's either emotional or damn right cranky at me. It's normally those two emotions all the time. I can't count how many times she's been angry with me for not letting her do things on her own, or not giving her space, but the minute I walk away, she clings to me for dear life. Or when I've brought her what she said she wanted to eat, and then when I've given it to her, Its not what 'She asked for'.

I mean I can't win with this girl.

"Quinn, you are going to be amazing." I said to her while holding her cheeks to make her look at me. Right in my eyes. "You are going to be fine. Everything is going great with little one, and everything will be fine when it comes to the birth. And I will be there for you right after." I said with a smile. She didn't look away.

"You think so?" She asked looking hopeful as tears started to form again in her eyes. I nodded.

"And no matter what you choose to do. Whether you want to keep her, or you want to put her up for adoption like you've been thinking. We'll get through that. Either way, Quinn, you are doing amazing! Everyday you make me admire you more and more for everything that you're doing for this little one" I said putting my hand on her stomach. She placed her hands on mine.

"Also, I think its a little too late to back out now" I smirked at her and she laughed at that. I was so happy to see even the smallest of smiles.

This wasn't my first rodeo when it comes to this. Quinn had been coming down here more and more lately. I think with the due date getting closer, she's been really anxious about it. She wakes up in the middle of the night with a nightmare about the baby in someway and then realises she alone up there and comes down here to find me. Needless to say we've both not been getting the best nights sleep.

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