42. Well, That Was Awkward.

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So things were good up until the next glee club meeting. Why you ask?

Well, Quinn and I are back on track. It's weird now that I know how she feels. I'm aware that I haven't exactly told her how I feel, but I have a feeling she knows how important she is to me. She still hasn't 'broken up' with Puck (if you can call it that, since she insists they aren't together, but he sure as hell follows her around like she has him on a leash), but I won't push it, since I haven't grown the balls to tell her my true feelings yet.

I just feel wary that I've only just broken up with Brooke and believe me I'm hyper aware of her presence in Glee Club. As much as she tried to convince me she understood. On a few occasions I've caught her looking at me sadly during a performance. She was also avoiding the auditorium now that we had it back in our clutches. I really wasn't about to take the next step with Quinn and make her have to witness it all.

That really wasn't fair.

The rest of the Glee Club were slightly confused that I no longer sat next to Brooke in rehearsals. In fact, her and I hardly talk right now. Which is fine. She asked for time, and I'll give it to her. Brooke and I never made our relationship known to the rest of them, I mean we were only together for like two months. We kind of liked it just being our business. What with all the drama that goes on in this club, but I always knew that they knew. And now I knew there was gossip and rumours circulating around the group. From the stares, and then questioning glances I'd receive from time to time. They just hadn't voiced their enquiries yet.

So, I really wasn't prepared for their interrogation on that morning rehearsal first thing on a Tuesday, after we'd just had our glee meeting for the day. Mr Schue had upped the rehearsal times in preparation to beat Vocal Adrenaline, so on Tuesday and Thursdays we now had Glee Club in the morning. Great, I know.

So we were all sat around waiting for the bell for class to ring before...

"So what's ups with Anderstings lately?" Was asked by Santana. Of all people. Loud enough that the whole group as well as Brooke and I heard.

"Anderstings?" I asked dumbly, from my place leant against the piano.

"Anderson." She pointed at Brooke, "Hastings" She pointed at me.

"Anderstings" Britt said from her seat next to the Latina with a smile in my direction. I stared blankly back at the both of them.

"Its a ship name Hastings." Santana said rolling her eyes at me. "Puck and I were Pucktana, Tina and Artie are Tartie. You and Brooke are... Anderstings. Finn and Rachel were Finchel, and now we have the awful pairing that is St Berry." She finished looking disgusted over at Jesse and Rachel who were sat close to each other on their chairs. Rachel tucked into Jesse's side and his arm around her.

"Excuse me Santana, but our relationship is not disgusting." Rachel informed her looking pretty outraged at her comment.

"I mean it's an upgrade on the last, I'll give you that." Santana said with a little sass.

"Shut up, Santana." Finn shouted from the back row. Looking over at Rachel longingly.

I shook my head at them.

"But anyway..." Artie paused looking between the two girls awkwardly "what is up with you two?" Artie asked from his place over near the band, tuning his guitar. He looked between Brooke and I this time.

"Trouble in paridise?" Tina asked from next to him.

"Sorry...What?" I said outraged looking at the group. I hate having my business broadcasted. What's personal is personal and should stay like that. I hated gossip. And people talking behind people's backs, about things that don't concern them.

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