45. This Is New.

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The weekend came around that week fast. Ryan and I had been great. We'd been spending basically all our time together at home, then steeling moments in school where we could be a little closer than normal. I was kind of loving the secrecy of it all.

Not gonna lie there has been a lot of kisses involved which is new. But we've kept it slow. Both of us don't want to rush into this. Its kind of new to us, and also our relationship. I know its a thin line between love and friendship, but there's still a massive difference from when we were just friends to being romantically involved. So don't get me wrong, kissing Ryan is amazing, but just over two weeks ago... he was just my best friend. It was bound to take time to get used to. But I was loving the new developments.

Today we're hanging out with the glee club. We all thought we'd go out to the mall and get some food and just see where the day takes us. We've been so busy lately with Regionals prep we hadn't had any time to have fun. So here we are. Right now we're sat outside a game shop that the guys wanted to go in. The girls plus Kurt, all just stayed outside and waited around on benches. Matt had a family thing and Brooke turned this down, for obvious reasons. But the rest of us were here.

"Where's Ryan again, Q?" Santana asked me. I looked up at the mention of his name.

"He had to watch Riley this morning until his parents came back and then he said he had to pick up something from work." I said "He said he'd be here when he can"

"How is little Riley? I can't believe how much she's grown, when we saw her at sectionals." Brit asked. I smiled at that. Since living with the Hastings' family, Riley and I have become like family. She's like a little sister to me now. But I've noticed that it seems like all of a sudden she's just grown up.

"Yeah, she's suddenly growing up" I said "I swear that kid is seven, going on seventeen."

"She probably just copy's you Quinn, since you've been living there." Tina said with a smile.

"Great, so we have a mini version of Tubbers on the loose." Santana snarked next to me. I slapped her arm for that. She faked being hurt by it. "I might have to come see the little brat at some point. It's been years."

"Wait, who is this? Ryan's little sister?" Rachel asked with a smile. I nodded at her.

"Yeah she's seven." I said with a smile at the thought of the little girl. "Hasn't stopped talking about her party lately. Literally any chance she gets, she's planning something or other, and asking her mom for a moon bounce every chance she gets." I said with a laugh.

"Girl knows what she wants. And won't stop until she gets it. Sounds like a smart girl to me." Santana said with a smirk. I dread to think what Riley might turn into if her and Santana get too close. I shiver at the thought.

"She sound's adorable" Rachel said back with a smile. "i always wanted to have a little sister. Someone that looks up to me."

"No one looks up to you, Hobbit." Santana said bluntly "Too short." She said gesturing to her hight. I rolled my eyes. I was so over picking on Rachel. I had no reason to. Not now that I got the boy of my dreams. I smiled to myself thinking about the blue eyed boy.

Rachel ignored Santana's comment like it was second nature now.

"Either way, I'm sure she's adorable." She finished.

Much like her brother. I couldn't help but think to myself.

"Seriously, how long does it take to pick a fucking game" Santana huffed, looking over at the game store impatiently.

"From the amount of time Ryan plays on his Xbox, I'd say they take making a decision pretty seriously." I said to the girls. "Once he's in the zone, there's no getting to him. Not matter what you do. Completely ignored" I gestured to myself.

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