17. Vitamin D.

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"You feeling alright Quinn?" I heard on my way off the field at cheerios practice. I knew it wouldn't go unnoticed by Coach Sue. We'd done a run through of our routine today out on the football field and while in formation my knee had quivered. And I knew the beady eyes of Coach Sylvester was never going to miss that tiny flaw.

I was hoping to get out of practice without being cornered by her, but no such luck.

"I'm just really tired from Glee Club" I replied hoping that it was enough to convince her. Again it seemed like everyone was tired in Glee Club lately. I smiled a bright smile hoping that was enough and walked passed her. With my head up I continued walking knowing full well that she was watching.


I'm really starting to worry about Finn. He's been tired all the time lately. When I'm talking to him I feel like he's not even listening. He seems to have taken a step back in Glee Club and when he thinks I'm not looking he seems to think its okay to stare openly at Rachel Man-hands Berry all the time.

I feel like he's losing it. And I feel like I'm losing him.

"I haven't seen you at Glee Rehearsals" I heard the distinctive voice of the one person I really don't want to talk to right now. I turned away from my locker to look at her.

"I'm not superwoman" I replied. "I know Glee is your whole life, but I have the cheerios, I'm on honour roll. I have friends"

This list just keeps going these days.

"You don't have to be embarrassed." She said just as I started to walk off. I slowed. "No one at glee is gonna judge you"

Okay, I'll bite. So I turned to face her again.

"Look, I know everyone expects us to be enemies and be in competition." She continued "But I don't hate you"

"Why not?" I asked slightly confused. I'd given he no other reason not to. "I've been awful to you."

"That was before you knew what it felt like to be me" She answered. "An outsider. More people are gonna start finding out about this, and you're gonna need friends who can relate"

I looked back at the girl in slight confusion. But I knew she was only telling the truth. A truth I knew wasn't going to stay hidden for long. I was going to start showing. People will notice. My parents will notice. Something I really don't want to be thinking about right now. Since I brought Ryan back a few nights ago, they seemed in a really good mood. We all were. Well I was until now.

Thanks RuPaul. Or maybe I should try to call her Rachel. but then again... How the hell can she relate to me. She's not the one that's pregnant. She has parents that support her no matter what. She has all of Finn's attention right now when he should be more focussed on me. How can she stand there and say that she can relate to my situation?

"How can you relate to what I'm going through?" I asked with a little bite.

"You don't think people whisper about me in the lunchrooms or draw pornographic pictures on the bathroom walls?" She asked.


"That was me actually" I admitted. I have to admit I am ashamed of that.

"Look, I don't agree with the choice you're making, but you're gonna need Glee." She said still trying to make her point. "You have seven months of your youth left"

Wow, way to make it sink in. Thanks for that.

"You should enjoy it. And lets face it in a couple of months that cheerleading uniform isn't gonna fit..."

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