14. Rhodes Not Taken.

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We were working on 'Don't stop Believing' for our sectionals performance when Quinn suddenly ran out of the room with her hand coving her mouth. Finn watched on worriedly as his girlfriend exited the room in a hurry for the bathroom.

"Quinn are you okay?" Mr Schue asked from his place at the front. But she was already out the door.

"I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito" Finn said lamely trying to cover up to the club. Yeah nice try buddy.

"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?" Kurt asked Mr Schue.

"Your sexuality?" Santana snarked from behind him.

Well that got awkward. From my place just behind her I poked her in the side for that and she turned and smirked at me. grabbing my hand playfully to stop my attack.

"Rachel" He declared "We can't do it without her"

"Thats not true" Mr Schue said. I think we could all tell he was clutching at straws but I don't think he wanted to admit that we actually needed her. As annoying she can be, the girl can sing. Really sing. "We may have to layer Santana and Mercedes over Quinn's solo but... We'll be fine"

"Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals, and certainly not the regionals" Artie said from his place in front of the band. He was hugging his guitar close to him and looking as doubtful and we all felt.

"The wheelchair kid's right,That Rachel chick makes me want to light myself on fire, but she can sing." Puck said making his contribution to the topic.

"Rachel left, guys" Mr Schue said still trying to encourage us. "She's gone. Now if we're gonna make this thing work, we can't look back. All right take five guys" He said and walked over the piano. Leaving us to talk amongst ourselves.

I watched as Finn walked over to Mr Schue. Me and Puck keeping an eye on him wondering what he was talking about. Over the last week he's been really stressed out. And it's really understandable. When I over heard that Quinn was pregnant and that Finn was gonna be a dad my heart went out to him. I cant imagine what that would feel like at sixteen. But when Quinn told me not to tell him that I know, I listened but it's making it so much harder to help him. I just want to be there for him right now. But I don't know how to help.


I was walking down the hall when I heard Finn's voice coming from a classroom to my right. I normally wouldn't have stopped but when I heard what was being said and the voice that was replying to him I stopped.

"... I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to run lines with, I'm available."

"Th-there is a lot of dialogue" Rachels voice replied.

Wait... what?

They may be innocent words but the way in which Finn had said them had a less that innocent connotation.

"I figured... we could go somewhere quiet, maybe with... low lighting and..." He trailed off. I poked my head around the door frame to see Rachel making doe eyes at Finn. Okay what the hell is going on? I knew they were too close for comfort.

What are you doing Finn?

"Let me know" He said and then I saw he was about to turn around so I moved myself out of the door way so he wouldn't see me until he walked out. The minute he was out of the class room I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him in the direction of the opposite classroom that happened to be empty. I closed the door, and turned to very confused Finn.

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