24. New Ride And New Bills.

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A couple weeks back I managed to get a shot at a job at the mechanics in town. It's Burt's Tyres. Kurt's dad owns it. I went there hoping he'd give me a shot and he said he'd consider it. Then when the work picked up her gave me a call and here I am.

I've always been into cars. I may not have my own yet, but my dad and grandpa taught me the basics of how to fix one. And I've loved it ever since. Getting my hands dirty, and fixing a problem. Fixing up a car and restoring it to its original state. So it's been a week since I started here and it's going well. Burt's been teaching me some things that I didn't know.

But one thing that completely blew my mind and I cant believe it happened. Was one of Burt's buddies buys up old cars that are pretty much written off and then asks him if he can do anything with them or scraps them for money. He came along one day and had a car hooked up on the back of his tow truck. Something just piqued my interest and I looked up and out the garage to see literally my dream classic car on the back. Yeah it was real beat up but I just knew I had to have it.

Burt and the guy were talking and Burt was shaking his head as he gave the vehicle the once over. I straightened up and wiped my hands on a bit of old rag and walked off towards it.

"That thing is busted" Burt said to the guy. "It's gonna cost more than it's worth to get it going again" he said and I listened in.

"So you think take the money?" He asked him back.

"Take it a run" Burt replied.

"I'll take it off your hands" I said from my place behind them. They both turned and looked at me with a weird look.

"Its scrap metal Ryan" Burt said laughing.

"Its also my absolute dream" I said back seriously. "I'm serious. I'll take it. Whatever you'd get for scrap I'll match it" I said to the guy and he looked like he was interested.

"If you can get this thing to start by the end of today, you can have it for half" He said making a deal with me. I looked at the car. Then back at him and nodded.



So that's how I ended up spending my whole Saturday working on this car. It was beat up bad. But all I needed to focus on was getting it started. And it was mine.

"Come on baby" I said to it as I tried to coax it into working. I'd been fiddling under the hood for near enough all day. I was sweating. And beat. But I really wanted this car to work. I really wanted this car.

"Face it Ryan that car isn't starting" Burt said from his place next to Brad, as I found out the guy's name was. I looked at them and ignored their negativity.

"Dad" I heard the distinctive voice of Kurt say as he walked into the garage. Burt looked up as did I and I then I went back to fiddling under the hood. I was going to get this car to start if it was the last thing that I did.

Kurt and his dad were talking quietly to each other in the corner by the little office and then Brad was just watching me. I felt the pressure was on.
I finished under the hood, and then moved to the drivers seat putting the key into the ignition. I didn't turn it. Just waited a few seconds.

"Okay, now come on, you can do this." I said feeling slightly mad talking to a car. But it was worth a shot. "Just start and I can fix you up. You'll be good as new" I said and took a moment. Closing my eyes and willing this car to finally start. "Come on" I said gripping the key and twisting it.

Hearing the splutter of the engine, the struggle to ignite. I stopped and tried again. I turned it, and the same thing happened, the ignition just ticked over but nothing.

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