33. You Have No Idea.

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That same silent treatment went on for a couple weeks. Barely ever seeing Ryan around the house and when he was, he was busy down stairs in his new basement bedroom. I hated it. It was like all those years of him being in New York all over again but actually having him right there. Just out of my reach apparently.

On a rare occasion on the weekend he actually stayed at home but hid himself away in the garage to work on his rusty looking car. Like the last couple of weeks, I stayed out of his way and only tried to greet him in passing. But when Kate asked me to see if Ryan was coming in for lunch I had to bite the bullet and talk to the guy that didn't seem to want to talk to me.

I opened the garage door that lead off from the main hallway of the house but much like that day in school, I wasn't prepared to hear the giggles of Brooke in there with him. As I walked in I saw Ryan at the hood of his car and Brooke leant casually up against it. Laughing at something that Ryan had said.

I cleared my throat to get the couples attention and Brooke's gaze snapped over to me. Meanwhile Ryan only turned a little in greeting to me. I rolled my eyes at his behaviour. Used to it by now.

"Hey Quinn" Brooke said with a smile. I hated myself for hating this girl. I mean she hasn't done anything wrong. She's such a lovely girl. But her being with Ryan just instantly makes me dislike her. Who knows, maybe if she wasn't now with Ryan and never had a crush on him in the first place... maybe we could have been friends.

I smiled back but said nothing verbal.

"Ryan your Mom wanted to know if you wanted lunch" I said in hope I'd actually get a full sentence from him.

"Its okay, Quinn" Brooke answered instead "I knew this one..." She said and ran her hand over the hair at the back of Ryan's head affectionately. "...would get all wrapped up in this lump of metal and wouldn't even think to eat, so I brought over something for him" She said with a loving smile over at Ryan, talking to me but her eyes never left the side of Ryan's concentrating face. He still had his back to me hunched over the hood and I just wanted him to talk to me.

I wanted him to acknowledge me.

"Yeah, tell her I'm good" He said back not turning around fully to talk to me.

Inside I was screaming.

"Which reminds me... I better get going. Blaine wants to meet at the lima bean" She said to Ryan "So I shall catch you..." She said moving towards Ryan and pouting her lips up at him, expecting a kiss. Ryan turned slightly and gave her a quick peck. I turned away feeling like I was intruding but also no able to stomach the sight of another girl kissing him. I really had no place to feel that way, but couldn't help it. "...later. And eat." She warned him.

He laughed in return.

"How are you anyway Quinn, Ryan told me you were staying here" She asked as she grabbed her bag from a nearby work station of Ryan's. "I hope you settled in well."

"I'm okay, doing better." I smiled back but it didn't feel authentic at all.

"Good, I'm glad." She smiled. This conversation felt so false and forced on my end. I wondered if she felt that on her end too.

Looking over at Ryan who scratched the back of his neck, still with his back to me. It looked like he felt the tension too.

"Right well I'll catch you two at school. Ryan I'll text you later" Brooke said with a last smile in Ryan's direction before walking back out of the open garage door and down the drive.

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